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I chuckled dryly and looked at him. "Look you don't have an answer" I whispered and walked past him. I held the door knop and was gonna open the door when he grabbed my hand.

"What now?" "You asked me why I care about you right?" "Yes, and you don't have an answer" "I care about you because you're my friend"

Friend? Why am I disappointed? What is this feeling? "You are my friend, and friends care about each other" I smiled sadly and nodded my head.

"Yeah, yeah they do" I whispered and took my hand away from the door knop. He held my hand softly and took me to the living room, he made me sit on the sofa and sat beside me.

He held both of my hands and looked at me, "Who did this to you?" He whispered. I started to tears up, he pulled me into a tight hug and let me cry.

"Shh, don't cry, I'm right here" He pulled away and whipped my tears away with his thump. "You can tell me whenever you are ready, just know that I'm here for you"

"Where are you going?" I asked when he stood up. He looked at me and smiled, "I don't know about you but I'm starving, so I'm gonna cook"

"You can cook?" He nodded and rolled his sleeves up. I chuckled and nodded my head and stood up. "Where are you going?" "Well, I'll go with you and watch your cooking"

"N-No, you stay here," He said while panicking. I shook my head and walked towards his kitchen. He took everything out and started to cut the vegetables.

"S-Stop, p-please s-stop," I said while laughing. I tried to hold my laugh but I couldn't, "Haha, so funny" he said while cleaning the flour on the counter.

I took a deep breath and walked up to him. "Give it to me," I said taking the cloth from him. "No, I'll do it" "Anthy, if I let you keep doing this then we'll starve to death," I said trying not to laugh.

I pushed him on the other side of the kitchen counter and told him to sit. I cleaned everything and then looked at Anthony, "What do you want to eat?" "Anything"

I thought for a while and decided to make something special. I made parathas and butter chicken, for the drink I made two smoothies and for dessert made kheer.

I put everything on the dining table, he sat down and looked at the food. "It smells good" I sat over for him and served him.

I started eating and he just looked at me. I forgot he never tasted this and doesn't know how to eat it. I stood up and sat beside him.

"This is how you eat it," I said while feeding him. I waited till his respons, he looked at me and I started to get nervous.

"So?" "Wow, it's delicious" I smiled and he started to eat. I told him the name of the dishes and after eating I did the dishes.

"Come here," He said while dragging me to the sofa. I sat down and so did he, he put his hand over my forehead, "What are you doing?" "You're weird, your fever is already gone like last time"

I chuckled and took his hand away from my forehead, "I've always been like this since I was little. Whenever I didn't get enough sleep, I got sick but it never lasted long. I never had someone to take care of me, whenever I was sick I never told my dad since I didn't want him to worry. My ste-"

I stopped talking when I realized that I was telling im everything. I looked at him and saw him listening to me. "I-I..." I sighed and looked away.

"It's fine, tell me whenever you want to" Should I tell him? Can I trust him? Why do I feel comfortable with him? Why do I want to be close to him?

"Well... My stepmother never cared about me" I continued while looking down on my hands. He held my hands and I looked at him, he smiled and nodded.

"Since I was little she hated me. My mother died while giving birth to me, my father took care of me, and then for 2 years my uncle and grandma took care of me. My father decided to remarry, he wanted me to have a mother, he wanted me to feel mother's love which he couldn't give. When he remarried, she never once looked at me. My sister was born when I was 4, I was happy, I was happy that I got a sibling and that I was no longer alone. I loved playing with her, we were always together, we did everything together, but whenever she fell and got hurt, I was the one who got the fault. But suddenly she started to beat me, s-she beat me every time I did something wrong, I-I never told my father about it. 2 years later was my brother born, he was a precious thing. My and my sister's first brother and my dad's first son. I never let anything happen to him, I always kept eye on him, I took care of him. One day he got seriously sick, we had to take him to the hospital. My stepmother told me it was my fault, she said that whenever I gave him something to eat or drink I blended something in it. When he recovered I kept an extra eye on him, but then again he fell and broke his shoulder. My father took him to the hospital and my stepmother... she, she..."

I realized that my tears were streaming down my face. "You don't have to continue" "She beat me badly, I was hurt, I didn't come out from my room for a week. After that whenever she got the chance she beat me, she burned me, but never did I tell my father. Once my father saw her beating me and he told her not to come near me. I thought everything stopped after that, but nothing changed, she didn't stop... You asked me what happened to me right? You asked me about my scars, right?"

I stood up and rolled my sleeves up, "Do you see this?" I rolled the other sleeve up and showed him my arms. "T-These are all the scars from her beating, not only this" I was gonna pull the hoodie up but he stopped me.

He didn't want to see them, he hates me now. He will leave me now, I shouldn't have told him about this. "I-It's fine, I-I know you don't want to be with me, I-I know I'm not beautiful I-" He cut me off by placing his hand on my mouth.

"Who said I don't want to be with you? And who told you, that you aren't beautiful? You are the most beautiful girl I've seen, the strongest. These scars, they aren't ugly, they are a part of you, they show how strong you are"

He stepped towards me and cupped my face in his hands, he whipped my tears away and smiled. "I didn't let you pull the hoodie, because I know you would have regretted it"

"Y-You asked me why I was ignoring you right? S-She saw me with you, she beat me Anthy, she beat me so badly and told me to be away from you, I-I didn't want to ignore you b-but I had to. I-I couldn't keep up with her beating, I-I was tired, there were times, w-where I wanted to die-"

"Don't you dare say it again" He said interrupting me, "I hope you know I'm a doctor" I chuckled and nodded my head.

"Then you must also know that I can tell by looking at your scars which are scars from beating and which aren't"

I was shocked, I didn't expect him to say this. "W-What do you mean?" He grabbed my hand and looked at my arm. "This isn't a scar from beating, but these are from self-cutting"

"N-No-" "Don't lie to me. Why sweetie pie, why?" "I was tired, I-I was tired from all of this Anthy, I'm tired from all of this. I-I can't take it anymore, she took everything. I-I'm alone now, s-she took my Aayan and Nadia away from me, I-I can't anymore"

I said while crying. He wrapped his arms around me tightly. "No, my sweetie pie, you aren't alone. You have me, and I promise you that no one will dare to touch you"

I felt safe in his arms, I felt something I never felt before. I hugged him back and cried on his chest. "D-Don't leave me, p-please don't" "I won't"

I don't want to be away from him. I love being with him, I love being in his arms, I love talking to him, I love everything about him. I don't know why, but I want to be in his arms forever.

Why? What is this feeling? Why do I want to be with Anthony? Why?

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