Chapter 29

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A deafening noise cut through my ears. It's a different feeling when you are saying something to yourself and when someone else is saying the same thing to your face.

The weight of other people's words is immeasurably more painful, because you can't erase it from your head, you can't pull it back. It leaks from other people's lips and is doomed to wander endlessly through the walls of your consciousness.

"That's right, you heard me well."

His need to dig the knife even deeper into my heart confused me. He wanted me to know that I didn't matter to him, and he showed me that clearly.

"She will always be a part of me."

He came so close to me that the tips of our noses almost touched. Anger paralyzed my body, and stiff and cold as ice, I stood there in front of him.

He flew his gaze over my face, persistently mixing his sky blue with my forest greenery.He laughed playfully as his hot breath wrapped around my nostrils, penetrating every pore.

"Which is understandable, considering she's my sister."

He took a few steps back, enjoying his little feat. I wrinkled my forehead and pursed my lips, trying to process what I had just heard.

Although I told him that my whole presentation was because I respect myself and I will not allow him to trample me, which was absolutely trje,  part of the truth is that I was jealous. Jealois indeed. That feeling ate me whole and made all the muscles in my body twitch and brake, letting a torrent of crazy thoughts into my head.

"This time, it was your sister."

Now I was the one who approached him. He looked down at me, considering I was quite a bit lower than him. I ran my fingers over the buttons on his shirt and lightly buttoned up those that were undone.

As I was doing this, I addressed him and when my fingers were positioned on the last button I raised my head, looking him straight in the eyes.

"But what will happen next time when there is another woman instead? Your woman.''

Then I slid both hands down his shoulders and arms.

"You don't think I want your touch on me after all, when I know that those hands caressed someone else. That I want those lips on mine, when I know they quenched the thirst of another woman? "

I looked him in the eyes, while his chest visibly rose rhythmically and strongly. I followed the trajectory of his fascial lines with my fingers and approached him. I lifted myself on my toes and lightly brushed my lips over his. He inhaled a sharp breath, closing his eyes only for a moment.

"Just like these very lips that are on yours now. They can caress and worship another man."

I could hardly finish the sentence, and Kaden's hands were on mine. His grip was strong. We swapped roles and places, and soon I found myself leaning roughly against the wall and Kaden nailed to me.

I moaned from the blow and looked at him. His eyes were closed and he was breathing hard, deeply and in the way he was trying to calm himself. He tilted his head to the side, while the muscles on his arms were taut and visibly protruding beneath the thin material of his shirt. 

"Don't say anything like that again."

He opened his eyes and they screamed with some raw energy and command. Although beneath all those blurred and seemingly dominant traits, I could see a hint of pleading.

"Your lips are sealed with mine."

I snorted, laughing ironically.

"And yours are not? What are you, a benefactor? Will you help all the desperate women who want your kiss by pushing your tongue down their throats? Come on, don't make fun of me."

He grabbed me by the chin, not firm thou, and directed my gaze to him.

"Who said I want that? Who said I want to kiss someone other than you? "

'' You made it clear at the beginning when. . . ''

His blue orbits lit small fires on my skin. His words started a civil war in my body. Reason versus feeling.

'' We're not at the beginning. We are here. Now. Why don't you ask me what I want now? "

I shook my head, but his fingers fixed my head again, so we stared at each other. Stripping ourselves.

'' I don't get anything by asking you. Who can guarantee me that you won't change your mind tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, in a month? When you realize that I am not enough for you. " 

"No one in this world can guarantee you anything. You will have to trust me. "

"I don't know if I can do that."

I looked down at the floor. Can I really trust him? He approached me slowly, whispering softly in my ear.

"You'll have to trust me when I tell you I only want you by my side. To warm me at night with your nude body. To wake me up in the morning with your sleepy kisses. To be by my side in moments when I can't be with myself. "

His words echoed in me as his wet and soft lips nibbled at my ear. I inhaled as much air as my lungs allowed, which froze from his words.

''I care about you. More than you can imagine. "

He told me as he cupped my face with his warm hands and wrapped me in a kiss. It started out as slow and intense only to soon develop into something completely different. Something we both put ourselves into.

He slightly bit the edge of my lip, forcing me to part them. Not thinking much, I surrendered to him. From sweet and sensual, the kiss became wild and threatened to break down all barriers between us.

It's a kiss that does not end and you don't want it to.We didn't stop to gasp for breath, we just devoured each other. My hands dug into his shoulders, feeling the firmness of his muscles under my fingers.

We were ready to get lost in each other completely. Time stood still for us, even though for all the other people of this world it flowed like grains of sand through parted fingers.

Our tongues have found a way to entangle and unravel in all that hunger one for another. The hunger was insatiable.

Suddenly, Kaden slowed down and again devoured me, adoring, tender and sweet. He tangled his fingers in my hair and rested his forehead on mine.We breathed wildly and uncontrollably, recovering from what we had just experienced.

I opened my eyes and saw that he was already looking at me. His face was relaxed and smiling. I smiled back at him as he pecked my lips and asked me.

"Do you want to make love to me tonight?"

Absolutely His ✔️जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें