¬ epilogue ¬

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 Dear Aren,                                      

Life here really isn't the same without you.

Okay. I know say that in a lot of my letters, but it's just so dull.  And, okay, fine, I also know that in a lot of my letters I say that I wish we could kiss again, too. 

Well, guess what? I wish we could kiss again. 

At this point, I don't even think twice about what I write in these letters anymore. I used to be so worried someone would find them, but I can't keep hiding things. I miss you so infinitely much.

I haven't heard from you in a little while,. are you alright, Aren? I'm worried about you. I wish I could do something for you. If you ever need help, or really anything at all, please write to me, okay?  I'll do whatever I can.

And if you are ever ready to meet again, i'm waiting right here.

I love you, still.


Dear Shun,   

I got your last letter luckily, but please send to this address from now on.. I've moved (again)                   

I miss you too. Every single day.

Sorry for not writing much. I didn't want to worry you, but a few things happened, and I was in hospital for a little bit.  But it's completely fine now though; in fact, I found work, which is really good. I have somewhere to stay and i'm safe and healthy, so please don't worry about me. 

On a different note.. I wish we could too. Kiss, I mean. God, that sounds crazy.
Imagine if I told anybody here that i've kissed the prince. They'd laugh and think i'm insane. Sometimes I do, too. I think I just imagined everything, like my work for the castle was a fever dream I conjured up whilst I was sick. And how I managed to get completely banished and sent away after such a short time working there. It's quite funny, if i'm honest.

Though I should be grateful that they were merciful towards me.. I think it goes without saying that I wish I still worked for you. I would do anything, even hand pick the seeds out of your strawberries if I had to, just to see you again. Although you wouldn't let me do that, would you?

But here's the important part. I mentioned I found work, didn't I?  I'm a sort of merchant, so I have to travel and sell things to traders, you know. But, listen to this- i'm actually traveling up to your town by the palace next sunday with them. ..What are the chances, right? I can't really believe it myself. They've even got an Inn set up for us. So I suppose what i'm saying is, if you can somehow break free from your palace..(you are allowed to leave, right?) then..

I don't know, maybe we could see eachother. And maybe we could kiss again. That last part was a joke. Or was it. Probably not.

It won't be for too long.. but i'm desperate to see you. Consider it a temporary meeting, something to hold me over whilst I plot how to smuggle you from your royal throne and set you free into the outside world. And when I do that, ..well, I just might have to marry you. 

But let's not get ahead of ourselves. Think about next week for now.

Write me back, 'kay?

I love you, and I will forever


¬ end ¬

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