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"C'mon Y/n, you can do it! Just hold out for a little longer!" Armin shouts from beside me.

I nodded in response, too concentrated on the arm-wrestling match between Eren and me, to reply back. The prickly wood beneath my elbow scratched me as I struggled to push Eren's arm to the winning side on my left.

I look up for a second to see Eren's concentrated face: his eyebrows scrunched and eyes narrowed into slits. A slight blush covers my cheeks when he glances up to see me looking at him. I scold myself for being distracted by my best friend during this heavily important match between us.

Screams and shouts of encouragement came from the kids surrounding the table Eren and I had our arms perched on. Small beads of sweat were creeping down the sides of my face and my arm started to tremble.

"Eren, she's starting to get tired. You need to push hard now." Mikasa's monotone voice said from beside Eren. She sat next to him on the bench, her shoulder nearly touching his.

I glared at her; she was always on Eren's side. I grit my teeth when Eren started to add more force, making out interlocked knuckles a few centimeters from the table.

The screams around us got louder and louder, more and more people started to crowd around- even some of the guards from the Garrison were watching. From the corner of my eye, I saw Hannes, his cheeks holding a blush on them. I internally rolled my eyes at the soldier's tipsy state.

"Let's go, Y/n!" Hannes bellowed from the crowd. "Beat the little punk, girlie!" Hannes's mediocre words of encouragement inspired me for some unknown reason. I heaved my body so more weight went to my arm and started to push against Eren's force. Slowly, but surely, my right arm pushed both of our arms to the left side of me. Only a couple of inches were away from my victory. I peeked up and saw Eren's eyes widen and smirked to myself. You're not winning this time Yaeger.

"I...win!" I yell when my right arm slammed Eren's onto the hard wooden table with a loud thud. Screams yelled from around us as my classmates swarmed my side and nudged me with glee. Armin, being right next to me, shook my shoulders and screamed the loudest with them, and as he should, given that he lost to Eren right before this.

I smiled wide at the sudden praise, but it transformed into a playful grin when I saw Eren's face. It was a mix of a pout and a pissed-off expression. 

"Aw, don't be sad Eren," I say playfully while getting up and pushing past the kids surrounding us. I throw an arm around his neck, giving him a noogie on his head. "You'll get me next time."

I chuckle when he throws my arm off of him in an angry manner, but I see a hit of a smile creeping onto his lips- both of us wholly unaware of Mikasa glaring at me for getting physically with Eren.

Feeling someone grab my forearm, I was spun around to be face-to-face, or rather, face-to-chest with Hannes. His lopsided grin shined at me as he crept down to my level. "Good job Y/n, I see you're still kicking Yaeger's ass around here."

I smirked in amusement at what Hannes said and went to say something but was interrupted by Eren pushing me out of the way, making me nearly fall flat on my face, but was swiftly held up by Armin. Wall Maria bless this kid.

"Mr. Hannes take that back! Y/n does not kick my ass- hey! Armin don't touch Y/n like that!" Eren's anger towards Hannes switched to Armin as he noticed his grip on my shoulders. I rolled my eyes as Eren stomped over towards us and retched me from Armin's hold and closer towards him.

"Oi, oi, oi! What's this I see? Yaeger, you got some feelings for my girlie Y/n?" Eren and I blush at Hannes's words as we spring apart from each other, not meeting each other's eyes. Eren begins to deny it while sputtering like an idiot but I change the subject by grabbing Mikasa by the arm.

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