24: Matching Christmas Colors

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EDIT (1:35 am) I literally forgot the whole second half of this chapter like there's a whole second POV i just didn't cut and paste in. 


"You and Håkon are dressed in matching Christmas colors, very dark Christmas colors, but they're definitely themed." Wilhelm says the moment I'm over to the group of them.

"What?" I look back to Håkon, in awkward conversation with a little old lady who seems to be half his size.

"Red and green," Wilhelm chuckles. "What I'm saying is that you're matching."

"Oh," I shift my shoulders in my suit. "Whoops."

"C'mon, it's cute, and subtle, but cute." Wil shrugs. "I'm matching with Maja which is beyond embarrassing."

Maja smacks his shoulder and I see the two of them are both dressed in simple black suits. Svea looks stunning in a long blue sundress and Hugo, the one I don't know as well as the other three, is also in blue.

The first time I saw Hugo, back when we were playing pickup, I thought he was just Gregor Paikkala here to haunt me from whatever he's actually doing right now. It wasn't. Hugo Nilsson is tall, taller than Håkon by a half inch or so, skinny as a rail, shy as hell, clumsy beyond all bounds, like he still hasn't gotten used to his body. His hands and feet are huge compared to his long lithe arms and his longer legs. He's like a very skittish enderman.

"I mean, you guys look like two straight couples instead of, you know." I point out.

"We're not-" Hugo looks to Wilhelm and raises his hands.

"Oh, I mean, I know you and Wil aren't together, but, what I'm saying is that the way you are dressed you could pass for two straight couples." I raise an eyebrow down at Hugo. "Why'd you jump to that conclusion so fast, buddy?"

"Uh," Hugo's ears are red.

"C'mon, it's cute," I nudge his shoulder.

"M'not even gay, I dunno why-"

"Shh, Hugo, I know he's attractive," I wink at Wilhelm while I'm at it. "It's okay if you aren't and he isn't, I'm just picking a little fun with you two, you can tell me to stop."

"Well, I for one, would not mind," Wilhelm elbows Hugo from the other side. "I could use a little fun in my life."

Håkon is working his way toward us, hands in his pockets, trying to look inconspicuous.

"Hello," I wiggle my eyebrows at him. "Escape okay?"

"God, they won't leave me alone," he mutters, glancing back over his shoulders. "Hopefully they don't notice I'm over here. I've talked to so many people who know way too much about me."

"Tough bargain you're asking for with them not noticing you," Svea nudges his shoulder. "You're like a gigantic homing beacon for weird aunts."

"That's not a good talent to have," he grumbles, then in a mocking tone: "Oh, Håkon, how was the season? That was a tough end! How do you think next year will go? Where's your mother? Did you bring anyone home this year?" I've never heard him mock before but I'm in love with it. "God they act like Nadia Louiston."

I audibly gag at the name. "God, not Nadia."

"Who's Nadia?" Wilhelm asks, clearly confused.

"One of those reporters that just..." I cringe. "Yeah."

"I've pulled a Nolan Patrick Ham Sandwich on her so many times and she just doesn't get it." Håkon mumbles. "And then she goes and writes her little release on the info she gets and it's all so skewed and- ick."

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