20: You and I are Dangerous

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Mature content warning

(just like in PC, mom i know you follow me on here but don't read this <3)

(also the song is for Yeti's little dilemma at the end not necessarily the start of this)

(i'm sorry it's also super long, 6000 words)


I woke up about five minutes ago to Milo rolling over in my arms, nestling into my chest. Which was by far the cutest thing he's ever done. Probably one of the first times I've ever been cuddled with like this. He was stiff upon getting into bed with me, nervous, really. I had expected him to roll away to fall asleep, but he fell asleep right there under my arm. So, when he rolled over, I kissed his forehead, hoping to settle in and fall back asleep again. But, alas, hope is futile.

He grabbed my ass in his sleep. Which was not at all expected.

I had to laugh because if there's one thing that I've learned from the last four hours of 'sleeping', is that I'm a light sleeper and he sleep-talks. He smiled and mumbled in his sleep something like "nice ass." and I died.

"Milo," I tried to move his hand but he's strong. "Milo, hey." He yawned and moved, then wiggled a little so he's hugging me around the waist and his head is on my stomach. I rolled to my back at this point and took him with me. Now I'm just laying here, my left leg falling asleep, his cute mop of hair flopped across my stomach.

"Rocket," I run my hand through his hair, pushing it away from his face. "Rocket, this is a little uncomfortable."

"Mm," He blinks at me, lifting his head up, then squinting at me. "How the fuck did you get here."


"Oh, wait, right," He sits up, straddling my hips, and stretches. Then I'm staring at him because he's hot as all hell when he's groggy. "Right, we're dating."

"Happy seven-hour anniversary," I yawn. "Now get back here."

"Yeah," he flops forward onto my chest and snuggles down on me, but he's visibly awake, from sleeping to energetic in moments. "You smell like vanilla."

"Thanks," I kiss his neck softly, just once, and then he's kissing mine, not just once. He's moving from one spot down to my collarbones. His long fingers tuck under the collar of his shirt on me and he tugs it so he can get further down. His mouth fits just perfectly on the dip between my two collarbones and my skin is folding in his teeth.

It wakes me up quick. All it takes is his tongue brushing lightly just under my ear and I'm wide awake with a little mumble of surprise. How he's managed to pinpoint and tease that soft spot of mine within hours of kissing me for the first time, I have no idea.

His lips scatter damp kisses across my neck, pausing here and there to press the flat of his tongue against my skin, knowing it makes me let out sighs.

"Off," he mumbles, pulling the bottom of my shirt. My stomach lights up, sending a flurry of tingles through me and I sit up, pulling it off in one swipe and tossing it to the floor. It makes him smile, his fingers rubbing down my chest then pressing into my abs.

I watch him move back to my collarbones, sucking long enough to leave little spots along my left side, careful that they won't creep above the collar of a shirt. Once he's below that line, however, my body is free-range. I'm pale all over and my skin has never been resilient to much, so one sharp kiss is enough to leave a little red spot, not quite a bruise, but a spot nonetheless. He figures that out quickly as well. 

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