37: Trust Me

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He's frustrating. That's it. He's just straight up frustrating. I can't have him, he won't let me have him now. Not until he thinks I've got everything figured out. The problem is, I do. I definitely do. I have my shit together.

It's just, I figured it out differently than he did, and I'm not the same person as him, so it's not showing up like his does. I'm different, so this whole thing is different for me.

I just don't get why he's been acting so skittish around me for the last couple of days. Like the second I appear he's nervous and gets out as quick as possible.

"Pay attention, Rex." Nico pokes me in the side.


"Seriously, what's got your head all up in a tussle?"


"Rex, come on, something is clearly wrong."

"No, no, just tired, I'm good."

She raises her eyebrows and then sends me into the drill.

It goes like that for about another half hour until our goalies are back and the forwards are back on the ice. That means Rocket. He's shoving around with Fen, the two of them shooting quick banter back and forth.

God, what the hell am I even doing.

I wipe the bottom of my chin off on my jersey and catch him looking.

I watch him skate off, shaking his shoulders and his legs to get all his gear exactly right on him.

He slides to a stop in goal and taps the posts, grabbing the front of his helmet and adjusting it again.

Then he bends over and gets four quick shots from Finnican. He stops three out of the four, and the fourth only goes in because he's busy with the third. It's incredibly attractive how quickly he's able to move to get these.

"You're staring." Nico is standing next to me.

I flush and clear my throat. "What?"

"Staring. You're staring at Rocket."

"I'm watching Finnican take shots, I-"

She narrows her eyes. "Alright, sure."

"You two are scaring me."

"What do you mean?"

"You and Rocket have been suspicious all day." I force a laugh. "First you and him in the locker room and then he was acting weird, and now he's still acting weird."

She shrugs. "Dunno, just ask him."

"I've been trying, he just doesn't want to stick around long enough for me to ask anything." I roll my eyes at her.

"Then trap him somewhere, works with Fen," she waves her hand. "Stop being fussy and go join the drill."

So I do, and I'm able to do everything just right until I have to shoot on him. Then his eyes don't leave me. They can't, he can't stop paying attention because I'm shooting.

I do, I stop paying attention because he's watching every bit of me move and suddenly I'm burning up. Rocket takes a stab at the puck and catches me off guard, causing me to crash to the ground, taking the hit with my shoulder and hip.

"You good?" He hollers at me.

"Yeah, fine." I groan, standing back up again. Then he's busy with the next person and I feel my head get a little pissy with him for not checking if I'm alright again.

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