the monster under my bed

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Thursday 8:00 am

I never really believed in monsters. Even as a child I didn't believe they existed, when my friends would complain about some "monster under the bed" I would tell that the don't exist.
All up until 3rd grade this kept going on, by the end of elementary school they all forgot about it.

I'm 16 now in highschool and i still don't believe in monsters.

"hey y/n!" My friend Marie calls "hey!" I call back "do you believe that me and our friends actually believe the 'monster under the bed' so stupid"  she laughed as we sat down in math class.

"Yeah what was with that?" I chuckled
"Hey" my friend Haley yelled gaining the attention of the other classmates. " it was true there was a monster!" She said offended, I rolled my eyes "yeah right don't be immature" I said.

My other friend Leah like Haley protested against me and agreed with Haley, I still didn't believe them.

I'm not the kind of person who believes random things.

Nightime 10;00 pm

I was getting ready for bed when i heard a thump under my bed i was freaked out but thought of it as nothing.

I took a shower and went to bed.
As i turned off the lights i laid down and was about to drift off when i felt something slimy slither up my legs. I jumped when it began grabbing at me but this time there were two others.

I screamed but it was useless because my parents were out of town on a business trip. The 1st tentacle stuffed itself in my mouth and started thrusting in me i choked and tears came to my eyes.

The second one lifted my legs up and rubbed my inner thighs. The 3rd one was ripping my clothes off. The 1st one ejaculated in my mouth but unlike male humans spunk this one tasted

I decided to just give in and let it happen i looked to where the tentacles were coming from and i saw they were coming from under my bed!!! I finally believed it.

The tentacles began rubbing my breasts and tweaking at my nipples i moaned lowly and the second one began rubbing my sensitive clit.

It felt so damn good i yelled and begged for more "please don't stop i want more please!!" I didn't even now what i was doing i was just relaxing and enjoying it.

I felt my orgasm coming and i moaned and came hard "fuck!!" I yelled it began rubbing my clit again. I heard a dark chuckle the creature said "do you believe in the monster now?" "I believe in it just please fuck me" i was getting desperate next thing i knew i woke up and everything was like a dream.

It was morning now but everything felt real. And it was because when i looked down there was purple slime. I got up and started getting ready for school.

Hi everyone this is my first time writing smut on Wattpad i hope u all liked it I'm not really good at it I'll upload part 2 of this oneshot when i can!!

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