Chapter 6: Important

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Lily walked down the hallway, sulking. Never in her life did Lily ever hear that nobody wanted to be around her. Not even her winglet wanted to be around her. Well, except Isla, Copper, Firefly, Nighthowler, Toucan, and Bear. Okay...that's most of the class. Nevermind. But Starguider and Frostbite didn't want to be around her.

I can't believe that nobody wants to be around me. That's garbage! Why would Mother and Father spend time telling me to be responsible, kind, and sweet if it wasn't going to be used? Why would Mother and Father tell me to be a role model if no wanted to look up to me? Lily pondered these questions all day. Even in class. But she wasn't missing anything. The whole day they were mostly introducing each other.

And during that time, Nighthowler didn't say a word. Not to other dragons or her. And to be honest, it kinda hurt. But Lily wasn't surprised when he said that he wanted to be alone for a bit.

So now, Lily was walking around the school, brooding. She thought about what happened first period and why Nighthowler didn't talk to her. But as she walked, she heard talons scraping against the stone. At first Lily ignored it. Until it started to become faster.

"Lily!" A deep voice shouted. Lily turned around and saw Clay running over to her. "Lily!" He called again, a little out of breath.

When he reached her, Clay took a few deep breathes. "Lily,Tsunamineedsyouitssomethingimportantanditcan'twait! Ithassomethingtodowithyourgrandmother!" He gasped for breath and placed his talon over his heart. "Chicken before running is NOT a good idea," Clay groaned.

"I'm confused, you talked a little to fast, Clay," Lily said.

"Oh...sorry," he sighed.

"It's fine. We all make mistakes," Lily replied.

"Tsunami needs you, Toucan, and Turtle to go to her office. Sunny went to go get Turtle and I came to find you and Toucan," Clay explained. "By the way, have you seen Toucan lately?" Clay rasped.

"He's probably hanging with B-Copper! Yup, hanging with Copper and no one else in your family. Not that your family isn't great! Because, boy, they are! I, uh, I mean, um, your family is awesome! They are great friends of me and Toucan...not just Toucan..." Lily ranted.

Clay chuckled. "Lily, I know about Toucan's crush on Bear," he said, smiling.

"GET YOUR BUTTS OUT OF THE WAY!" Tsunami roared from a distance. Even if it wasn't towards them, the sound of Tsunami's roars made Lily and Clay jump in fear.

"We should probably get going...we don't want Tsunami to tell at us. She's already enraged...," Clay advised. As they walked down the hallway awkwardly for a few minutes, Clay started the conversation again. "I only knew because Peril picked it up while she checking on Bear...she caught them talking about classes. She said that she saw Bear blush," babbled Clay. "I don't know why I'm telling you things..."

"It's good to know," Lily smiled. "Now I have a tool to use against my brother," she chuckled. Clay laughed, Lily smiled. It was nice to see somedragon laugh at her jokes.

When they reached Tsunami's office, Clay stopped and opened the boulder. "I have to go get your brother...don't say anything unless you have to," Clay winked. Lily chuckled and walked into the room. After she was in the middle of the cave, Clay shut the boulder.

Lily glanced around the cave, keeping her eyes busy so she wouldn't offend her Aunt. In the front of the cave, there was a wooden desk that had many scrolls and a few pencils scattered everywhere. "Aunt Tsunami?" Lily called. No answer. She called again. No answer.

Hmm, Lily thought. Surely if she's not here then I can just peek at the letters...I need new ideas for stories anyway....Lily walked over to the desk and looked at the letters.

Dear Tsunami,

Alright, I know that I'm far away...okay not that far. But you get it. Buf I really want to see you again. It's been...what? Three months since I went on my trip and I'm starting to miss your crazy ideas. I miss you. And I'm not afraid to say it. I miss you and I love you. I wish I could say it to you face to face but...with the long distance and everything...I don't know. It's hard. But I'm willing to try it. For you.

Okay, now that I'm done buttering you up...will you plllleeeeeeaaaaaaasssee, come see me? I know you have work but can you please put on hold so that we can spend at least ONE day/night together? I'm starting to imagine your present with me when I'm doing work. How crazy is that?! Please don't say no to your Squid Brain...if you were here then you would see me laughing my head off!

But I'm serious about spending a day/night together. I miss you -- like I said the first three times. I love you. Okay...ppppppllllleeeasssse?

Squid Brain aka Riptide

Lily smiled and internally squealed. She check the desk to see if Tsunami was writing a responding letter. And when she found it she check to see if anyone was by her. Nope.

Dear Squid Brain,

First off, you ARE far away. I'm stuck in Jade Mountain with our daughters and their friends. I'd rather be with you... actually, I want all of us to be together. It's being away most of the time and me...staying at JM. But yeah...we work through it.

Second off, you better not be afraid to say you missed me! I'm your partner for crying out loud! But if we are going to act like dragonets again then fine...I miss you too. The girls miss you too. They always go "when is Dad coming home?"

And I always go "Your Father will come home when he comes home." You know the usual. But we should meet up. You know have a dat

That was the letter. It just cut off like that. Maybe Tsunami got important news while she writing her love letter to Riptide. Lily smiled in her I-love-this-couple smile.

"Should you even be reading Aunt Tsunami's letters?" Toucan wondered, startling Lily.

"Agh!" Lily shrieked. "Toucan! You can't do that!"

"And you can't read Aunt Tsunami's letters!" Toucan argued. Lily rolled her eyes, glowering.

"Who's reading who's letters?" A familiar voice questioned. Lily and Toucan turned their heads in the direction of the voice.

"Dad!" Toucan and Lily beamed. They ran over to Turtle and gave him a huge hug. Turtle stumbled backwards but then regained his balance.

"Hey, guys," Turtle chuckled.

"We missed you," Lily murmured in Turtle's neck. "We've had the worst day."

"Hey...look on the bright side, it's all uphill from here," Turtle said. "Now...where is Tsunami?"

"Don't know-"

"Here," a depressed, lifeless voice called. Tsunami walked into the cave, her body slouched and her eyes dull. "," she handed Turtle a scroll that she kept hidden. Turtle scanned through it but in the end, he had tears in his eyes. Turtle passed Lily the letter and she read it.

Dear Royal Highnesses,

We are sad to inform you that Queen Coral has passed away. She died Yesterday 9:00 pm. Thankfully she died in her sleep. There were no stab wounds or a sign of any struggle.

We would love for you to come to the Summer Place for more information and for thr coronation of Princess Tsunami, Anemone, and Auklet.

Our deep regards,
General Shark


"What were you saying about uphill dad?" Lily growled.

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