Chapter 3

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y/nstark: Peter got me starbucks @peterparkour

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y/nstark: Peter got me starbucks @peterparkour

Liked by peterparkour and 12,439,921 others


scarletwitch: gorgeous, but where's mine?

y/nstark [reply to scarletwitch]: we can go tomorrow

mjones: you two should get together already

tonystark [reply to mjones]: stop encouraging them

mjones [reply to tonystark]: no I will not and get off my thread

y/nstark [reply to mjones]: thanks MJ

peterparkour: you need to stop stealing my hoodies

y/nstark [reply to peterparkour]: no❤

username1: peter and y/n are endgame

username2 [reply to username1]: agreed

mayparker: I hope you two are having fun!

thefalcon: stop drinking coffee you're too small

y/nstark [reply to thefalcon]: @thefalcon fight me ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ

Private Message

Petey and Y/n


Do you want me to give your jumper back?


No I was only kidding
You can keep it


Okay :)


Are you doing anything tomorrow?


No do you want to hang out?
Again lol



I smiled at my phone. More plans with Peter. I loved hanging out with Peter. Yes, because I had a crush on him, but also because he was so much fun to hang out with.

MJ was the first person I told about my crush. She was always trying to convince me that Peter liked me. I wasn't sure that he did, though, and I didn't want to ruin the friendship we had by confessing my feelings.

The only Avenger that didn't know was my dad. Well, I hadn't told him. He might have guessed, but he hadn't said anything about it.

I sighed. Maybe Peter did like me. A girl can dream.

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