Chapter 33

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Name: y/nstark

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interviewing the avengers!

900,597,813 views. 9,421,758 likes. 853 dislikes.

The video starts with y/n sitting in a soft black armchair. There is an identical one sitting opposite her.

Y/n: Hey everyone! Today I am going to be interviewing the Avengers! In my last video, I asked you guys, girls, and theys, to comment some questions for me to ask the Avengers. I got loads of questions. 

Y/n smooths down her pants.

Y/n: I won't be interviewing all of the Avengers, because I don't have the time. I'm going to be interviewing the Avengers who had the most questions asked.

Y/n smiles at the camera.

Y/n: First, I will be interviewing Tony Stark, aka Iron Man, and my dad!

Tony walks into the frame and sits in the chair opposite from y/n.

Y/n: Hi, dad,

Tony: Hey, kiddo.

Y/n picks up a set of flashcards and reads the first one.

Y/n: First question: What is the most ridiculous thing you've bought?

Tony: Probably a diamond studded knife.

Y/n: Can I use it?

Tony: No.

Y/n rolls her eyes and proceeds to the second flash card.

Y/n: How important are cheeseburgers in your life?

Tony: I'd say they are my life.

Y/n goes to the next flash card.

Y/n: Who in the team do you ship?

Tony: Oh, that's easy. Steve and Bucky.

Y/n giggles.

Y/n: Okay, final question. What do you think about Peter?

Tony: Well, he's a good intern. And he's good to you. So, I reckon he's a pretty great kid.

Y/n: Well, thank you for meeting with me, dad.

Tony stands up and waves goodbye to the camera. He walks out of frame.

Y/n: Next we have Captain America!

Steve walks in and sits in the chair Tony vacated.

Y/n: Steve! How are you doing?

Steve: I'm doing pretty well, thanks.

Y/n: Okay, first question. How much weight can you lift?

Steve: Well, I can lift eight hundred pounds at the most.

Y/n: Impressive. Next question. Do you get senior discounts at places?

Steve chuckles.

Steve: I'm sure I could if I tried.

Y/n: Will you ever become president?

Steve: Who knows? I don't think I'll run for it any time soon, though.

Y/n: Who is your favourite ship in the team?

Steve: Uhm... probably you and Peter.

Y/n: Aw, thanks man. Okay, last question. If you had to date any Avenger, who would it be?

Steve rolls his eyes.

Steve: You already know the answer to that.

Y/n: But they don't.

Y/n gestures to the camera.

Steve: The one I'm already dating.

Y/n's jaw drops and she turns to the camera.

Y/n: There you have it, folks. Captain America is in a secret relationship!

Steve gets up and waves at the camera. He walks off frame.

Y/n: Now, time for Natasha Romanoff!

Natasha walks on screen.

Y/n: Thanks for coming, Nat.

Natasha: Anything for you, n/n.

Y/n: Okay, first question. How many languages do you speak?

Natasha: I fluently speak English, Russian, Italian, Latin, French, German, Chinese, and ASL.

Y/n: Damn, you went crazy with Duolingo. Next question. Who do you think is the funniest Avenger?

Natasha: Probably... Bucky or Ant-Man. Or even you.

Y/n: Aw, thanks, Nat. Now, everyone wants to know, what happened in Budapest?

Natasha: That's a secret I'll never tell.

Y/n: Did you - did you just - you know what, never mind. Are you more of a cat person or a dog person?

Natasha: I prefer cats because they're not always up in my business.

Y/n: Alright, final question. What is your favourite thing about being an Avenger?

Natasha purses her lips in thought.

Natasha: I suppose my favourite thing is being with you all. Making a new family.

Y/n: That's really sweet. I'm glad that you're apart of this family.

Natasha smiles at y/n. She gets up and waves goodbye to the camera.

Y/n: And now for our final hero, Spiderman!

Spiderman flips into the chair.

Y/n: Welcome, Spiderman!

Spiderman: Hey, y/n.

Y/n: Okay, first question. How did you get your powers?

Spiderman: I was bitten by a radioactive spider.

Y/n: Woah. Next question. Who is the nicest Avenger?

Spiderman: Honestly, I've gotta say Bruce.

Y/n: That's fair. Now. Final question. Why did you decide to save Queens?

Spiderman: Well, I guess at first it was because it was... in a way, easy. Well, not easy, but it was kind of like the first step. And then I was offered the position of an Avenger, but I said no because someone needs to look out for the little guy. There are so many amazing superheroes in the team. If they ask me for help, I will, gladly, but I like being the friendly neighbourhood Spiderman.

Y/n smiles fondly at Spiderman.

Y/n: That's really sweet. Thanks, Spiderman.

Spiderman waves at the camera before walking off.

Y/n: Well, there you have it, folks. I just interviewed the Avengers. Let me know if you liked it, and if you want more videos! Bye!

The video ends.

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