7| Exhausted

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The next two days after my birthday went by in a blur. Nothing bad has happened yet and I'm still on edge since the bad feeling hasn't worn away. Dawn, my wolf, hasn't even spoken to me since. "Hurry up!," Isla yelled as she hit my door lightly. I rolled my eyes. "Don't roll your eyes at me!" Sometimes, I really hate how well she knows me.

She has moved here and is living with Zayn who is Graysons Beta.

I quickly threw my hair into a messy bun on the top of my head before I left my room. "Took you long enough," Olivia mumbled as Isla snickered beside her. I gave them a playful glare.

"So what's up?," I asked them. "I really wanted to just eat ice cream and watch Netflix all day." I plopped down on the couch, next to Isla.

"Plans have changed," Isla shrugged. I raised an eyebrow, wanting one of them to tell me the new plan. They both looked at each other before Isla let out an exasperated sigh. "Fine, I'll tell her!," she exclaimed.

"TheAlphawantsyoutoomovebackinwithhim!," Olivia rushed out before Isla could speak.

"I was supposed to tell her!," Isla whined like a child.

"Shush," I told Isla before talking to Liv. "Say it slower and try to breath in between." She nodded her head before opening her mouth to speak.

"Your mate wants you to move back in with him!," Isla blurted out before Liv could speak. Isla covered her mouth with her hand as she said something she wasn't supposed to.

"I was going to tell her," Liv whispered harshly. Why is she whispering? I'm sat right here? Does she know that I can hear them too?

"You were taking too long," Isla groaned. "You do know that I have a hair appointment at 3. I can't be here that long." Liv and I rolled our eyes.

"So," I said slowly. "I have to move back in with the man that kidnapped me and kept me locked up."


"I guess so."

I let out a sigh and leaned back in my seat. I really don't want to go. I love living with Olivia and Noah even though I haven't really seen much of him since I started staying here. That's strange. But I guess they do need their own space since they're a couple and they're probably really sick of seeing me all the time.

"Anyway, I gotta go. I'm meeting Noah," Liv said before she grabbed her phone and left Isla and I in her home.

After she left, we both just sat in silence. "I can't believe this," I stated. "I'm not going down without a fight."

"You better not," she warned me. "I taught you better than to just give up. Anyway, you know you can always stay with me."

"I doubt Zane will be happy about that," I mumbled. She looked at me. "They're best friends, Isla. Plus, he's the Beta so he has to listen to my stupid mate."

"I didn't think about that," she revealed. After that, we sat for hours eating ice cream and watching Netflix, just like I planned.


I let out a groan and shifted slightly. When did I fall asleep? Suddenly, I heard whispers. Who's here? It can't be Isla. I can feel her legs on top of me. I cracked open an eye to see a man carrying a suitcase that belongs to me. No doubt there was another man in my room getting my other one. Oh no.

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