35| Three Months

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Alana's PoV
It's been 3 months since the Luna ceremony and everyday since then we've received a threat from the stranger. Gray has tightened up security. Wolves are getting more and more training and I have 24 hour protection.

My baby has grown. He's almost ready to come out. It's any day now. Soon, I'll have my baby in my arms.

"Gray," I deadpanned. "I can get up to get my own water."

"But you shouldn't have to," he tried to explain. "Take it easy. Our pup will be here soon."

"Like I can take it easy with this giant bump in the way," I scoffed out. "I can't even see my feet."

"I can see them for you," Gray shrugged. I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Go sort the nursery out," I snapped and waddled away from him, my guard following behind me. Our warriors are guarding the house at all times; they take turns following me around all day. Isla has been coming over almost everyday since. Olivia and Noah have gone away for a while. I have no idea what Olivia's problem is but I feel like she doesn't like me as much as she used to. She rarely talks to me. Plus, I get a bad feeling whenever she's around me.

I entered the kitchen and stopped in front of the refrigerator. We stuck the ultrasound picture there. We knew we'd end up losing it if it was kept somewhere else. I keep on forgetting to get a frame for it. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion as I saw a neatly wrapped box on the counter. I slowly edged towards it and lifted the lid. It was a pair of cute trainers for the baby. I felt around for a note and once I found it, I pulled it out.

You look amazing. - D

This mystery person who keeps sending messages and threats goes by the initial D. I don't know anybody with a D. I let out a sigh and threw the cute trainers in the trash. It's a shame, they were really cute.


"Why did you have to drag me all the way out here?," I grumbled as I slowly followed behind Grayson. We walked through the forest. I watched as other wolves transformed. "Are you trying to make me jealous because I can't shift?" He shook his head.

Ten minutes later, we neared a beautiful lake. Flowers surrounded it. Grayson helped me sit on the hard ground as I stared in awe. I let out an annoyed groan once I managed to finally see my ankles. "Look at that! Swollen! It hurts like a bitch too." He let out a small chuckle. "It's not funny. You're not the one that's gonna push a human out of your vagi-."

"I'm sorry," he said cutting me off, knowing that if he didn't cut in, I probably would've carried on ranting until my throat gets dry.

"Better be," I mumbled. We've been together for a little over three months and now we're gonna be parents?! It's weird. We never liked each other at the start and now look at where we are.

I have to admit that this whole thing has happened really fast. I mean, one minute we're hating each other's guts then the next he rearranged mine. It's funny how life works.

I think my parents dying brought us closer together since he understands what I went through. I try to visit their graves as much as possible but it's hard.

As for Liam and his mate, I haven't spoken to them since they tried to make me come home. I still don't understand why they did that. I'm with my mate. I'm supposed to be with him. I can't not be with him. It just doesn't make sense.

The baby. I'm in love with him already. I can't wait until he's in my arms. Of course, I'm afraid of giving birth but who wouldn't be? That's a scary thing. So many things could go wrong. I know the baby will be a boy. It's obvious. Since this is an Alphas child, the firstborn has to be a boy so he can take over the pack. A girl cannot be a heir to a pack as they will move to their mates pack, leaving theirs behind. I mean, I understand it but I don't like that fact. But it's the way our bodies work. It's strange.

The nursery. As soon as Grayson knew we were having a pup, he began working on the nursery. I'm not allowed to go in there until the baby's here.

I haven't gotten close with the pack. Since we've been getting threats, I've rarely been to the pack house and I've rarely spoken to the pack members.

Does that make me a bad Luna?

"Yes," my wolf, Dawn, replied. I rolled my eyes and ignored her. Her being a leader and doing things a leader would do is just in her blood. She wants me to mingle with everyone else but I can't. It's not only me that I have to think about now.

Am I missing anything? Have I caught you up with everything? 

"Noah and Olivia are back," Gray spoke. I moved my head to face him.

"Do you need to go?," I asked. He shook his head.

"They're coming here," he told me.

Ten minutes later, they were finally here. Grayson just filled Noah in on the changes to the wolves training and some other stuff I have no care for. Me and Olivia just stared at each other awkwardly. Her eyes kept glancing down at my stomach; it was making me uneasy.

"Congratulations," she spoke.

"Thanks," I told her as I rubbed my stomach. We fell back into an awkward silence again. I nudged Gray hinting that I needed his help to stand up. Honestly, I just wanted to get away from her. Gray pulled me up easily, making sure once I was on both feet I was balanced before letting go of me.

After saying our goodbyes to the two, we left and walked through the forest the way we came. "Did you just pee?," Grayson asked suddenly as he looked down at the ground between my legs in confusion. I furrowed my eyebrows.

"I don't think so," I told him as I attempted to assess the damage.

"Let's go home," I told Grayson, confused as to what was happening. He looked at me weirdly.

"The baby is coming."


"Your waters broke," Gray explained to me as he tried to get his head around the situation.

"What? Really?," I asked. He nodded his head.

"We should go to the hospital."

"I have some things to do before we go."


"Well he's not coming right now, is he?," I snapped. Gray didn't say a word as he followed me home.

Oh shit, my baby is coming.

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