9| Slap From The Past

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Alana's PoV
"Wake up, bitch!," a voice yelled as they slapped my cheek. Where am I? I pried my eyes open as the stinging on my cheek worsened. "Good, you're up." I was chained to a wall, laid on the familiar cold stone ground. The silver shackles burnt my skin, burying into it. This feels all too familiar.

"No shit Sherlock," I muttered as I leaned against the wall. He narrowed his eyes at me as he took a threatening step forward. Another unfamiliar man pulled him back.

"Not until the boss gets here," he told him sternly. These two men were both muscular but not as much as Grayson. Oh Grayson. I wonder if he notices I'm missing.

Probably not.

"The boss?," I asked.

"Yes, the boss," one of them said.

"Where am I?" No answer.

"How long do you think I'm gonna be here?" No answer.

"How long was I passed out for?" No answer.

"What's your names?" No answer. I sighed out, knowing I wasn't going to get anything out of either of them.

Just as I was about to give up, the metal door creaked open. The two men that was in here with me quickly left and shut the door behind them as the boss, I'm guessing, walked in. "My, my, you were just a child when I first laid eyes on you," his loud voice resonated through the stone walled room as he walked towards me. Pervert.

"I wish I never laid my eyes on you," I muttered in disgust as the small lightbulb above us lighted up his face. "And that sounded like something a pedophile would say."

I couldn't see his face last night thankfully, if I did I might've passed out or threw up. His yellow, crooked teeth were just about ready to retire and his half shaven jaw almost made me laugh. His greasy hair carried around a stench that I wouldn't wish upon my worst enemy.

"Such a comedian," he said flatly. "I'm hoping you've realized you can't feel your wolf." I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion before I called out for her. No answer. He's right, I can't feel her.

"What've you done?," I asked alarmed as I moved forward, before the shackles pulled me back.

"Your wolf is fine, don't worry. She's just taking a long, long, long, long, long, long, lon-"

"I get the hint!," I snapped, cutting him off. "Why am I here?"

"Hasn't anyone ever told you anything about white wolves?" I shook my head before I watched him grab a wooden chair. Why was there a chair in here? "White wolves are the most powerful wolves ever. That's why they're so rare. To have offspring with a white wolf is amazing. Pups with powers can be born. Of course, not every pup gets powers like your mother. So that's why you're here."

"Well, that's not happening," I told him, feeling disgusted. "You're wasting your time. Why don't you go find another white wolf that'll be willing to help you with your little problem?"

"I can't do that," he shrugged. "You heard from the moon goddess?" I shook my head. I wasn't going to tell him anything.

Because I'm a white wolf, I'm basically a direct link to the moon goddess. She pops up in my dreams or right in front of me, sometimes. The only thing is that I'm the only one that can see her except for the other white wolves somewhere in the world.

"Why are you acting like we're besties?," I snarled at him. "You're my kidnapper so act like one."

He shrugged his shoulders. "You're gonna be here for a while... and you're gonna carry my pups."

"You fucking sicko," I spat out. "When you took me last time, was your plan to keep me forever?"

He shrugged his shoulders. "It was but then you pissed me off so I had to give you back. But remember I did promise I'd get you back. And I don't break my promises."

"Oh yeah. I did, didn't I?," I chuckled. "That was entertaining." How was ten-year-old me supposed to stay entertained in here?

"Yeah so I've got you back to have my offspring."

"Fuck no," I growled out. "Over my dead body. I wouldn't want to curse my offspring with your genes and personality and just you in general."

"It's not up for a discussion," he snarled out, getting pissed off. He stood up and walked closer and closer to me. When he was within my range, I charged only to get pulled back by the shackles. "Naughty, naughty. You'll have to be punished for that." Without a word, he turned and left.


They say you get used to the pain. They say you feel nothing, that your body goes numb after a while. That wasn't the case for me.

Every punch, every kick, everything, I felt it. I was basically a normal weak human now. I don't have my super healing, speed, sound, smell. Nothing. They've just disappeared along with my wolf. "This - all - feels - familiar," I gasped out through the kicks and punches I was receiving. I let out a blood-curdling scream once again as a hard boot met my ribs. Those were definitely broken. "That's - not fair you - can't wear - soccer - boots."

"Scream again and maybe we'll bring that pretty best friend of yours here. Or your parents, maybe even your brother. That'll be fun," the boss threatened from the sidelines as he watched his puppets torture me. I instantly quietened. I don't want them to be in pain because of me.

The days, the nights just pass by in a blur. For all I know, I might've been here for a year already. Who knows?

I spat out blood as I was dragged to my 'room'.

The next day the same thing happened and the day after that and the day after that. Except for the fact that, I stopped screaming. I stopped talking. I couldn't risk the people I love getting hurt. Even though I didn't show I was in pain, it doesn't mean I didn't feel it.


"It's been almost three weeks. One more week till we hit our one month anniversary," the boss said happily as he clapped his hands. I can't believe it's been three weeks. It feels like it's been longer.

I stayed silent. I didn't speak. I just stared straight at the wall. That's what I've been doing. I've been getting lost in my thoughts, for me that's dangerous. My mind is like one big unorganized nest. "Look at me when I'm speaking to you, bitch," he hissed as he grabbed my face by the chin and made me look at him.

My lifeless eyes stared back at him. He smiled creepily showing me his teeth before he spoke again. "I think you've had enough time to settle in. It's time for you to be carrying my pups. I've been generous with the time I've given you." I didn't give any emotion away, I couldn't express the way I was feeling and what I was thinking, even though I was panicking inside, I just couldn't. He let out a sigh, let go of my face and left.

I laid on my back and stared at the roof, hoping that darkness would overtake me forever.

"Don't give up," a glowing figure said as they came towards me. Her long white dress flowed elegantly behind her as her extremely long hair followed behind her.

"Moon goddess?," I said slowly as I tried to believe what I was seeing. She's never came into a dream of mine before.

"I only ever come in times of need and guidance and you need me right now. Things will get better soon, stay strong and keep fighting. You are a warrior. Don't forget that."

"I can't," I said as I choked back a sob. "You don't know what it's like in here."

"Oh but I do. I'm watching over everything and everyone including you. Your mate is coming, I promise. You'll be safe with him soon." With that she disappeared.
End of Dream

Grayson is coming for me. He noticed I wasn't there.

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