Chapter 5

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The plan was relatively easy. Stella would sneak into Dowling's office when professor Harvey was done using her magic to cloak her, open the window so Bloom could come talk to her sister and then they would leave through the window back to the cemetery. There was only one problem: the Burned One had taken Stella's ring so they didn't have the gateway ready. Terra knew that the Burned One was probably taken to the barn by the team they ran into on their way back to Alfea so they had to first go there, get the ring and then get Michelle back to Gardenia. All while avoiding Sky and Riven.

Going around the school, Bloom, Terra and Musa were waiting outside the window of headmistress Dowling's office. Stella was cloaked and just walking past the four patrolling in the hallway. Then she heard it, professor Harvey just opened the door. She quickly rushed in, made herself visible and opened the window. Her ankle hurt less than before but professor Harvey advised her to use it as little as possible for at least the next two days. Bloom's voice quickly sounded from outside "M, I know you're mad at me but you have to come with me. Otherwise you won't be able to leave this world anymore." Hearing the urgency in her little sister's voice Michelle quickly limped to the window. "What do you mean, B?" "They aren't planning on letting you go back home. As soon as they walk through that door they won't let you go. We're here to help you get out of here." That was all Michelle needed to hear before she climbed out of the window with the help of Bloom and Stella.

While Riven and Sky were listening to professor Harvey's instruction about taking care of Michelle's ankle, they suddenly felt a spike of panic in their chest. Knowing it wasn't coming from either of them, they rushed to Dowling's office. It was empty. Where the fuck was she?!

Running back to the three adults, Sky confronted professor Harvey with the absence of their mate. "Where is she professor? We leave her in there with you and now she's gone." Silva and Dowling were shocked. As was Ben. "She was there when I left, I swear." Ben quickly said, getting a bit scared of the two specialists who were clearly going crazy about their missing mate.

"Well, she's not anymore. So where the hell is she?" Riven asked, frustration evident in his tone. "They really did it?" A voice asked from down the hall. Quickly turning to Aisha, Dowling asked her what she meant. "When we went into the main hall, Musa told us Bloom's sister was Sky and Riven's mate and Bloom freaked out about it. They planned to get her out of here but I didn't think they could actually pull it off."

Both boys were fuming. You do not mess with another's mate. They could feel she was hurt and scared and they needed to find her. Sister or not, they would not forgive Bloom for doing this.

Realizing they didn't have much time before they would get to the cemetery, Sky and Riven rushed outside towards the cars. Silva, Dowling, Harvey and Aisha quickly following. Silva, Dowling and Harvey were incredibly disappointed in the girls and decided they would get severely punished when they would find them. They just had to make sure Riven and Sky weren't alone when they found them.

Running through the forest while being helped by Terra and Musa, Michelle was back to freaking out. She hadn't received an explanation yet but if she had to stay here forever just to get one she decided she could live with being left in the dark. Coming closer to the abandoned farm, the girls quickly went in. Only to find nothing there. The Burned One had clearly been there based on the fresh marks but it had somehow gotten away.

They had to find it in order to find Stella's ring and get Michelle out of here. Looking around the forest they suddenly noticed Bloom leaving the group. "B, what are you doing?" Michelle asked, while carefully limping towards where the girl was heading off to. "It's here. I can feel it." She responded while in a trance-like state.

To be honest, everything about this night gave her the chills but nothing could have prepared her for the sudden jump-scare she had because of that thing, the Burned One, jumping out of the tree. So she screamed. As loud as she could.

Sky and Riven heard her scream. Well, everyone in the car heard it. They immediately came to a halt and rushed towards where the scream came from. Seeing their mate on the ground slowly crawling away from the burned one, brought strength to the both of them. They had to protect her. So they did. Sky shot forward and tackled the Burned One while Riven had his back. Together they held it down while professor Harvey quickly administered the Zanbaq to it. It would be knocked out for quite some time.

Bloom knew she was screwed when she saw the furious look on both boys' faces. But while they wanted to scream at her for being so incredibly reckless and bringing their mate in danger, they decided they could do that later. Right now, they had to calm their mate down and take care of her. She had one hell of a night so far.

Michelle was still on the floor in shock. Those guys just defeated that beast and saved her life. Why? How? Feeling the wetness on her face she realized she was crying. While wiping her eyes she saw the two guys slowly walking towards her. Still scared, she scooted backwards a little, away from them. "Careful, princess, we don't want you to get hurt." Riven gently said. "We won't hurt you, love. We're here to help." Sky added. And Michelle believed them.

No longer scooting back, the boys reached her and helped her up. Michelle immediately went down again because she used her ankle too much but Sky and Riven quickly caught her. "Can you stand, princess?" Ignoring their weird nicknames, she shook her head no. "I think I made it worse by running through the woods." She responded. "Okay, come here with your arm. Riv, you got her other arm?" "Got it, mate" and together they helped their mate walk towards the car. Gently helping her in the backseat they went in next to her so she was between them.

Professor Harvey was driving them back while Silva and Dowling would deal with the girls. Out of nowhere the girl's head fell on Sky's shoulder. She had fallen asleep. It wasn't a surprise seeing the exhausting events of tonight but it helped calm down the blonde prince. While Riven was a little jealous she wasn't leaning on his shoulder, he was glad she felt comfortable enough to sleep while in their presence.

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