Chapter 12

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Michelle didn't know what came over her to kiss the guys she just met the day before. It wasn't that she didn't like it, but it felt like it was too soon. For fuck's sake, they were the reason she couldn't go home! But she suddenly felt so jealous, like she had to show that girl they were hers. She really couldn't wrap her head around this. The kisses were amazing though. That made it even more complicated. She had never felt like that when kissing a guy.

Returning to their room, Riven and Sky noticed their mate being lost in thought after their mind-blowing kiss. "Princess, you okay?" Riven carefully asked. She didn't regret kissing them, right? "Love?" Sky asked, when she didn't respond to Riven. "Hm? Oh yeah, I'm fine" Michelle responded, still a little lost in thought.

Before either boy could ask if she was sure, Michelle's phone rang. Picking it up she saw it was Danny, her best friend from California. Quickly answering the call, while turning away from her boys. No, not her boys. Just the guys keeping her here. "Keep it together, Michelle!"she thought.

"Hey D, what's up?" "What's up? Where the hell are you? I'm failing geography on my own. We agreed to do it together!" "Oh my god, I completely forgot to tell you. I transferred to that boarding school with Bloom. Sorry babe!"

Babe? Riven and Sky were definitely not amused. Their mate was calling some dude babe? Who the hell was that on the other line.

Michelle didn't notice their growing anger and it definitely didn't help that she was smiling like crazy during the entire phone call. "Okay you need to go. I'll talk to you soon. Love you!" Oh hell no. She did not just tell another guy she loved him.

"Who was that, princess?" Riven said, sounding pissed off. "Oh that was Danny, my best friend from California." Best friend my ass, Sky thought. "Did something ever happen between you, love?" Even if it did it wouldn't have been smart if she would admit it. Seeing how extremely jealous they were getting. Michelle didn't notice it though.

"We kissed a couple of times, that's it." She didn't expect to get pulled on Sky's lap after she said those words and she surely didn't expect Riven to start kissing the left side of her neck from behind. Sky took care of the right side.

Michelle's head felt like it was about to explode. It felt so incredibly good, but she felt so incredibly confused as well. She shouldn't be enjoying this, right? Her mouth however betrayed her by letting out a small moan. That was enough incentive for both boys to continue with the assault on her neck and leaving a couple of visible marks.

"Did he make you feel like this, love?" Sky asked huskily in her ear. Only stopping with his assault to ask her that. That's when Michelle realized it. They were jealous. Like big time. She couldn't help herself but she burst out laughing.

"Oh my god, you guys are so jealous." She said in between laughs. "Yes we are, princess. You shouldn't be going around calling other guys babe, kissing them and telling them you love them." Riven said in her ear right before he softly bit down on her ear, resulting in another moan coming from his girl's mouth.

Part of her wanted them to stop but the other part wanted them to continue. What was wrong with her feelings? Deciding she had to tell them before her neck was full of marks, she said "Danny is gay." That was enough for both boys to stop.

"What?" "You heard me, he's gay." "But you said you kissed him a couple of times." "Yeah, I did. I always knew he was gay. I was the first person he told. But he wasn't ready to fully come out until a year back so if people were giving him shit, we just said we were dating." "That's really sweet, love. But I still don't appreciate him kissing you before we did." "Oh get over yourselves. I'm here now, aren't I?"

Getting up from Sky's lap, she walked to the bathroom. "What the fuck you guys? It looked like I was attacked by a vacuum cleaner! Is there any concealer here?" She asked while searching the cabinets. "You don't need concealer, princess. Now everyone will know you're taken." "By two freaking vampires" Michelle quietly mumbled.

"You know I'm not your girlfriend, right? Technically that means that I'm not taken." "You're our soulmate, love. That means you're taken." "He's right, princess. You're our girl and you'll always be"

Why were they making it so easy for her to fall for them? "Am I now?" And with that she was pulled on Riven's lap, while Sky was now behind her, whispering in her ear "yes you are. And you better give in, love. Because we are not going anywhere." "You know princess, there's only one thing I would change." "What?" "Your last name" Riven cheekily smiled.

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