Chapter 8

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"You can't keep me here!" Michelle protested while standing up. "I have a life in Gardenia. My parents will be wondering where I am, as will my friends". "I'm sorry, love, but we can't let you out of our sights. We will lose our minds." "Well, that seems to be a you-problem, blondie." "Princess, please just listen. We can't let you go back to the First World without us and right now it's not safe for us to go." "Love, please sit down. You're still hurt." "I'm fine." "Please, don't lie to us princess. We know if you are lying to us. Just, please, sit down"

But Michelle wasn't going down without a fight. "I'm not going to sit down, I'm going to get the hell out of here and go home" she stated while limping towards the door. Right before she could fully open the door, It was slammed shut and she was cornered against it. "As I said before, love, we can't let you out of our sights." "He's right, princess. We're not letting you go." Michelle noticed their eyes had noticeably darkened and she wasn't really sure about what to do now.

Headmaster Silva decided to quickly intervene. "Sky, Riven, calm down. Please come sit down again." Silva had moved from his place on the couch to sit next to Bloom and gestured to the other couch. This way the trio at the door could all sit on one couch which would hopefully calm the boys down a bit. Letting Michelle walk in between him and Riven, Sky lead her back to the couch and guided her to sit between them.

"Ms. Peters, I'm sure you have a lot of questions about all of this but I think you should first get some sleep. It's all a lot to take in and you haven't slept all night. We can regroup tomorrow to discuss the rest of the information." Michelle, still a bit in shock of what happened at the door and how mad they seemed, quietly shook her head. "You will be staying with Sky and Riven in their dorm. Boys, I trust that one of you will sleep on the couch while giving ms. Peters one of the beds." "Of course ms. Dowling. Only the best for our princess." Riven responded.

Bloom tried to help her sister and suggested that she could also stay in her dorm. "As mentioned before, Bloom, your sister can not leave Riven's nor Sky's sight at this time. It is therefore easier if she would bunk with them. If it would make you more comfortable, you can stay with them as well." Remembering the angry looks she got from them after the incident with the Burned Ones, Bloom felt that it was better to not join them before the two would kill her in her sleep. Looking at her sister for reassurance, Michelle nodded for Bloom to go sleep in her own room. "It's alright, B. I'll see you tomorrow, okay? Sleep tight."

Bloom quickly left the room and Michelle moved to stand up. Riven, however didn't agree with that. "Princess, you have busted up that ankle enough tonight. Please let me or Sky carry you to our room." "I can walk on my own." "Love, please don't start this again. We can feel the pain you're in because of your ankle. Please don't be so stubborn and let us help you." Without giving her much of a choice, Riven decided to scoop her up in his arms and carry her bridle style. Just as he did when carrying her inside. The only problem: she was awake now and definitely not agreeing with this. "Let me down! I can walk on my own." "No can do, princess, you already did a lot more with that ankle than you should have according to professor Harvey and we want you to get better soon."

Realizing there was no way she could get out of his arms without hurting herself she decided to cross her arms over her chest to show her displeasure. Luckily for her, their room wasn't that far from Dowling's office so Riven had to let her go. He gently placed her on one of the beds and went back to close the door. And apparently lock it. Well, there goes that escape option.

Sky was looking for some clothes for her to sleep in, in the meantime and returned quickly with one of his shirts and one of Riven's shorts. "Here, love. this might be more comfortable to sleep in instead of your clothes. You can take my bed and I will sleep on the couch." Feeling a bit guilty at taking his bed, she offered to take the couch instead. "Absolutely not, love. You're taking the bed."

Opting to go to the bathroom to get changed she got scolded again. "Love, please don't walk. If you need to go anywhere, just tell me or Riv and we will help you get there, okay? Do you want me to carry you somewhere?" "Thanks, Sky, but I just need to go to the bathroom. I don't have to put weight on my ankle for that short distance. I'll be fine." She tried to reassure him. "Alright then, love, but if I feel that you are in any pain, I will just pick you up."

Getting changed she carefully went back towards the bed. Seeing Sky already on the couch and Riven on the other bed, she let out a heavy sigh and tucked herself in. She still couldn't wrap her head around everything that happened but as soon as her head hit the pillow, she was out.

Unfortunately, her dreamless sleep didn't last very long. Shooting up from her position, Michelle could feel the cold sweat because of the nightmare she had. Hearing her breathing heavily from beside him, Sky quickly alarmed Riven and asked him to scout the room for potential danger. While Riven checked out the room, Sky rushed to Michelle's side. "Love, are you alright? What happened?" Riven quickly noticed that the room was safe and figured out she must have had a nightmare. "Princess, do you want to talk about it?"

"Uhm, there was this Burned One and it was coming for me and it kept going after me and I couldn't outrun it." Michelle said quietly crying. They were already scared this was going to happen. "Princess, calm down. You're safe. You're here with us and we will always protect you." Riven said, while holding her hand. "Riv's right, love. You'll be safe with us, alright?" while taking her other hand and gently stroking her arm. "Are you alright now, princess? Or do you want us to stay with you?" Did she? They did save her from that beast and apparently they are her soulmates so would it hurt?

Michelle shyly nodded. Riven and Sky couldn't believe their luck, she wanted them to stay with her! Climbing into the bed with her, Riven on her right and Sky on her left, Michelle oddly enough felt safe. Within seconds she fell back into a dreamless sleep with her head on Riven's chest and Sky's hand around her waist.

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