Chapter 5 - If you love her, then you will trust her

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Swords clashed as Visenya's sword drove forward to halt Aelinor's; the two smirked at each other, slowly circling as their swords kissed. Visenya pushed him away and turned her body to strengthen her hit, and the sword missed Aelinor's head by the width of a finger.

Aelinor's eyes lit up, "Are you trying to tame my hair, niece?"

Ducking his own hit, Visenya grinned, "Well, the ladies have complained of its mess, Uncle."

Valarr, seated on the fence that surrounded the training field, chuckled at the look of dismay on his Uncle's face, enough for Visenya to use the muscle she had developed training daily to push Aelinor to the ground and held her sword at his neck. "Do you yield, Uncle Messy Head?"

"Enough of this child's play," Daelon frowned at the two, as Aelinor pushed Visenya's sword away with a roll of his eyes. As Aelinor stood up and dusted himself off, Daelon raised a brow at Visenya, "You were lucky too many times, Visenya. Remember: If your head comes away from your neck, it's over."

Visenya nodded tightly, glaring over at her brother, who was failing to hide his sniggers. When his father's ears caught them, he turned to his son, "Valarr, against Visenya next."

"What?!" Valarr squeaked, sitting up straight while Visenya smiled widely at the challenge. "Mother said I am to fight only you, not Visenya."

Daelon shrugged casually, though Visenya could see the mirth in her Father's eyes, "Words or sniggers are enough for a duel. You sniggered... now show how you could have done better."

Valarr jumped off the fence, sword in hand, as he passed his Father, he scowled at him, "I'm telling mother."

Visenya snorted, "It'll be worth the scolding."

Ignoring his sister, Valarr joined her in the center, raising his blade to slide against hers, the steel singing out loud at the sensation. The sibling's locked eyes and Valarr gulped at the glee within his sister's narrowed eyes.


Valarr ducked quickly as Visenya's sword swished over his head, rolling past her legs and gathering himself as she steadied herself. Once she did, she ran at him with a war cry, and his sword flew up defensively to meet hers in the air. Soon the two were exchanging blows, their Uncle and Father encouraging them and pointing out mistakes. As much as Valarr dreaded going against his sister, she was the only one that treated him as an equal rather than a Prince or child. It was Visenya that had given him his first sword wound, and it was Visenya that had cleaned it up afterward.

Visenya advanced, and Valarr moved his sword in a downward arch towards Visenya's feet. However, like their Mother, Visenya was swift on her feet and jumped gracefully over the sword, spinning to right herself before her sword ended up at her brother's neck. Breathing heavily, Valarr felt the sword wobble as he swallowed tightly, "I yield."

Visenya moved to sword away and smiled down at him proudly, "That was a good fight."

Valarr hid his face to conceal his blush at her compliment, as much as they fought, Visenya was his best friend and the one person he looked up to. Much like their Father and Uncle, Visenya had learned that compliments don't come so easily as you grow older, so to receive one from her was rare.

Daelon nodded, but both children could see the pride in his eyes, "That should be enough today. Visenya, you have training with Vaghara. Valarr, you have studies with Elder Tarys. I'll see you both for supper."

The siblings looked at each other before Valarr yelled, "Last one to the palace has to clean Vaghara and Yaenor's stables!"

The two ran off as Daelon and Aelinor chuckled at their constant need to beat one another. Aelinor watched the two forms run as fast as they could in the distance. Still, he could see Visenya beginning to gain ground due to the additional years she had been training over Valarr. Knocking his brother's arm, he gestured to the two, "Remember when that was us?"

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