Chapter 13 - Trust

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Visenya sat with Rickon on her lap and beside Bran as he lay in bed. She had laid next to him, her back propped up with the headboard as she spoke to the boys of their mother's whereabouts.

"Things will change," Visenya spoke to them honestly.

Rickon stared despondently at Summer and Shaggydog as the direwolves lay at the foot of the bed together.

"Robb has more responsibility without your father and mother here," She continued on. "I have promised to keep you both company and keep you-" she poked Rickon in the stomach, and he let out a muffled laugh, "-out of trouble."

"Will you tuck us in at night?" Rickon asked innocently.

Visenya smiled softly at the small boy, "Yes." She nodded, "I will tuck you in, and I will not tell you off when you escape and bring Shaggydog to your bed."

Rickon giggled as she tickled his belly, "Robb will."

Poking his nose, she playfully winked, "You leave Robb to me."

"Why is everyone leaving?"

Visenya looked to Bran, who had been quiet up till now, "Your mother has left to protect all her children."

Bran glared down, "He lied."

Frowning at his mumble, she looked down at Rickon, "Why don't you go to the kitchen, Gage made some lemon cakes, tell him I sent you."

Rickon excitedly jumped down and ran from the room, calling Shaggydog to follow him. Visenya turned to Bran, "Who lied, Bran?"

Bran sadly looked up at her, "The crow told me I could fly. If I could fly, I could help my mother and father."

"Is this the crow you speak to in your dreams?"

Visenya would not so quickly bat his dreams away, for if she had, she would not be sitting in Winterfell at that moment. When Bran nodded, she thought how she could explain to him what she knew of dreams and Sight, "Any dreams can be cryptic, Bran. Take mine, for example; I am shown images, or I hear phrases of what may occur in the future or has in the past, yet it is up to me to decipher. The crow may say you will fly, but it may mean something else. Have you spoken to him many times?"

Shaking his head, Bran told her, "I saw him first when I met you, and then again when the man tried to hurt me."

Visenya's brow raised as she nodded in thought, "And did anything else happen, other than you flying?"

Bran thought back, his forehead wrinkling as he remembered the final actions of the crow before he awoke, "He pecked my eyes out."

"Well that is strange," Visenya tapped her chin. She turned towards him and recalled when she treated his back, "When I healed your back, it was with the blessing of the Anifeiliaid."

"Your Gods?" Bran recalled.

"Yes," Visenya nodded with a grin. "My connection with them allowed me to see that they needed you to be healed because, like me, your destiny is entangled with the Gods. They allowed your body to heal so that when you undertake your fated journey, you are prepared. Just as I was prepared by my Sight."

Bran processed her words, "So you think my dreams of the crow are preparing me for something that will happen?"

"Yes, Bran," Visenya nodded in agreement. "I believe the Anifeiliaid let me heal you enough so that you can focus on what is yet to come and not on your legs. The accident may have hindered your ability to run and climb, but has allowed your mind to open and do extraordinary things... like your dreams speaking with the crow. As hard as it is to do, please be patient, all will be revealed when the God's allow it."

Violent Delights - Robb StarkTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang