- chapter 24 -

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as y/n headed down to the lobby to find ethan, she genuinely hoped that they wouldn't get photographed by anyone, paparzzi or supporters. she thought it would cause unnecessary drama.

y/n started looking around the lobby for a familiar face. she spotted him on his phone by the front desk. she texted him.


ethan c 🤎

look up :)


y/n saw as ethan's face twisted in confusion, but he followed her instructions. as soon as he looked up they met eyes. ethan smiled and they walked towards each other. as they met in the middle, they wrapped each others arms around each other. y/n's arms around his neck, and his around her torso.

y/n laughed and pulled away. they looked at each other both with smiles on their faces.

"so. where are we going?" y/n asked. ethan smiled.

"let's just walk around, how about that?" he said. y/n nodded and tucked her phone away. they both walked out of the hotel, walking on the side walk.

"how have you been? its been awhile since we've last seen each other." ethan asked as they walked.

"i've been good. lots of stuff happening." y/n laughed.

"oh yeah, i heard your song." he said pushing her shoulder with a smile.

"which one?" y/n joked pushing him like he did her.

"very funny." he laughed running a hand through his hair. "both, to be honest."

"ah. well lemons was fun, wasn't it? got a lot of reactions for that one." y/n noted. ethan turned to her, "not like he deserved you anyway."

y/n shrugged. "what can you do?"

"write a good ass song that called him out on all his bullshit, maybe?" ethan said in all seriousness before laughing. y/n laughed too. "shut up!"

"and hey boy? that ones about someone... i'm guessing?" he asked.

ethan was kind of spectacle about the answer. he didn't know what to expect. he didn't know if he wanted to know the answer, but it also felt like he needed it. he saw that y/n posted with a boy, and he saw the caption.

y/n sighed, looking to the side. "its... a bit complicated."

ethan looked around, "seems like we've got a lot of time." y/n scoffed, laughing. "i guess. i don't know i'm not sure, actually i am sure. but its just-"

"complicated?" ethan finished. y/n nodded with a poker face. "i only just met him, and i did just get out of a relationship..." she said.

he decided he needed to know.

"was it the boy you posted?"

y/n nodded. she knew everyone was aware, she did after all caption the post herself. "caption?" she asked.


"enough about me. what about you? what is ethan cutkoksy doing in london?" y/n switched the subject.

"well, i'm here for auditions actually." he answered.

y/n thought that was funny, since that was her reason as well.

"really?" y/n asked.

"yeah, its for a show actually, funny because the name is almost like shameless but its,"

"faceless." they said at the same time. y/n stopped walking and turned to him. ethan did the same to her.

"no way." he paused pointing at her. "you're here for that too?"

y/n's jaw fell to the floor. "you- you too?"

"yes. that's crazy. i didn't know- wait." he stopped.


"what role are you..." he dragged, nervous for the answer.

"ariana... and you?" y/n asked.

ethan sighed and put his hands in the pocket of his hoodie. "jordan."

y/n didn't answer. that's the role louis is going for. that wouldn't be good and y/n knew it. she did know that there were going to be other people auditioning as well, but one of the creators of faceless, also worked on shameless, so of course, both y/n and ethan already had an advantage. louis was very talented y/n didn't doubt that, and he was going for the role of ryan as well, so... she would just have to wait it out.

"wow." she finally said. "wow." he repeated as they started walking again.

"do you- do you need a ride tomorrow?" he asked.

"no!" y/n responded a little too quickly. "i mean, no, i kind of already have a ride..." she corrected.

he nodded. "let me guess... max recommended you too?"

max was the worker they both knew from shameless. max knew what he was doing.

"so max knew what he was doing then." y/n laughed. ethan scoffed with a smile.

"i guess he did."

what ethan and y/n didn't know, was that they were being followed with a camera.


author speaks

dont worry, releasing two more chapters tomorrow.
just so you guys know, i try to publish everyday 😁
how are we feeling about this tea with faceless?

 just so you guys know, i try to publish everyday 😁how are we feeling about this tea with faceless?

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