Chapter Sixteen: Nemesis Prime

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Well, safe to say ever since we got Optimus back, things have been crazy. Optimus was breaking some code while he was with the Decepticons and now they're following the coordinates that were in the code to find Cybertronian relics. We got something called a Spark Extractor, lost a shield and the Forge of Solus Prime and we have an Immobiliser.

Wheeljack came back but didn't stay for long and Bee lost he T-Cog to MECH but got it back and Ratchet had it repaired. A T-Cog is what helps the bots transform and use their weapons. I didn't get involved with MECH again after last time. Oh! And we found out that a spider Decepticon left the Decepticon ranks and got herself an Insecticon. That same day, we learned that Starscream lost his T-Cog to MECH after losing Bee's.

But, right now, Optimus has gone out and the kids are racing some toy cars. I don't know how they work so I'm just playing with my plushie. That's when Agent Fowler called in asked if Optimus was here. Ratchet told him Optimus was out so Fowler took that as a confirmation that Optimus is trying to bump him off the road. Wait, what? Optimus would never do that to a friend, would he? Yes, Fowler can be annoying but Optimus would never do this. The other Groundbridged to Fowler to help him out. Fowler was fine but Arcee was knocked out. Ratchet got her responsive again.

"Arcee, are you alright?" Jack asked.

"Sure. Except for being blindsided by Optimus," Arcee said.

"Didn't I tell you?" Fowler asked.

"Impossible," Ratchet said.

"I'm only reporting what I saw," Arcee said.

"But why would Optimus do a thing like this?" I asked.

"Maybe Optimus believes he's a Decepticon all over again," Raf said.

"Or he's been faking being a good guy all this time," Miko said.

"If Prime has gone off the rails for any reason, we have a serious problem," Fowler said.

"This is absurd," Ratchet said walking to the main computer, "a quick check for Optimus' signal will reveal that he's nowhere near the location of tonight's incident," he checked Optimus' signal, "in fact, he's just returning now."

We heard the sound of Optimus' engine approaching and the others were ready just in case. He transformed and walked forward before stopping when the others got into an attack position.

"Is something wrong?" Optimus asked.

"We were just... wondering where you've been," Arcee hesitated.

"We haven't been able to reach you," Bulk said.

"I have been... outside of our communication range," Optimus said reaching for something.

The others got their blasters out. Optimus raised a had to tell them not to fire.

"In a subterranean Energon deposit," Optimus showed some Energon.

I could tell everyone was still unsure.

"Optimus, you'll thank me later. When we first met, I mentioned that I hated wheat and now it'll be different. Why did I say that?" I asked. This should answer our questions.

"You hate wheat because you do not like bread. You said my Spark was the colour of gold like wheat. You started to care about it after I tamed you," Optimus explained.

"It's our Optimus," I told everyone.

They put their blasters away.

"We're... sorry," Arcee said.

Optimus was visibly confused.

"Don't blame them, Prime," Fowler said, "I was attacked earlier tonight out on the open highway by a big rig. One that bore a striking resemblance to you."

After a while, Fowler got a call reporting that one of the military bases were being attacked by Optimus. Not by the truck but by the bot. How is this possible when he's right here with us? The Autobots went to confront the imposter but soon returned. The imposter escaped. Fowler got on the phone with the General to explain the situation but he ordered all bots to be destroyed on sight.

We hated that but Optimus said the military order changes nothing and the imposter poses a grave threat to humanity. That's when Ratchet figured out who the imposter is. MECH. Of course. They deconstructed Breakdown and took Starscream's T-cog. They built a knockoff of Optimus, scanned a truck to transform into, fill him up with Energon and say hello to Nemesis Prime.

That's what Miko is calling him and we're sticking with it. Fowler then asked where we can start finding MECH's base as it could be anywhere. Ratchet pointed out that while MECH has obtained their biology, they haven't gotten their technology. Without a groundbridge Nemesis Prime will have to rely on its vehicle mode for transport so the base will be in driving distance of both incidents.

Fowler being Fowler, he wanted to find MECH and destroy his machine but Optimus told him not to get involved again. Fowler reversed Optimus' statement to his team since the military is out hunting them. Optimus told him everyone will stay in vehicle mode until absolutely necessary. And now time to search. Bee later reported finding something. Optimus told them to approach with caution and they will go to his location.

Meanwhile, Ratchet was looking for the main control panel for MECH's robot. So Silas isn't inside the robot. Ratchet then found it. Fowler told Ratchet to open the Groundbridge again to deal with Silas himself. I said that I would go to. I have a score to settle with him. Eventually, Ratchet let us go. We arrived and say Optimus and Nemesis fighting each other. Ratchet called telling us where the control frequency was coming from.

We got up on a giant silo where a guard was watching the fight with binoculars. Fowler knocked him out. I used the binoculars to see inside and how to shut off the control panel or make it malfunction. There were a lot of wires out in the open so I can do something with that. We climbed down the ladder, took out two of the guards and I snuck behind Silas' chair. I needed Fowler to distract Silas so I watched what was happening.

He stabbed Optimus! Thankfully, Fowler got Silas' attention and they had a small fight. I started pulling out wires. Some MECH soldiers pulled me away but I yelled at Optimus to get up and fight. That's what Optimus did and Silas tried to stop him but the robot wouldn't cooperate. The roof then came down with Nemesis and we all ran out of the way but Silas was crushed. We heard helicopters and we all went back to base except Fowler. Everyone got taken care of for injuries.

"So how weird was it to see someone who looked exactly like Optimus kicking the scrap out of you?" Miko asked.

Bulk groaned.

"It's a sight I won't soon forget," Arcee said.

"The question remains whether MECH will continue to function as we know it without its leader," Optimus said as Ratchet finished fixing him.

"Well, here's the kicker," Fowler said on screen, "we sifted through the wreckage with a fine-tooth comb and couldn't find any trace of Silas."

He can't have just disappeared. They took him out of the wreckage before the military had a chance to look for him. But being crushed by a giant bot, he won't live long. At least we all feel safer now.

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