Chapter Twenty-one: Saying goodbye

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Well, I just saw Cybertron all bright for the first time. Long story short, Ratchet got kidnapped, forced him to complete the Synthetic Energon, tried to cyber-form Earth but Bee stabbed Megatron in the spark, killing him. He even got his voice box back so he didn't have to beep anymore. Knockouts also mentioned to the bots that he was joining the winning team but Miko didn't believe him and knocked him out. We soon returned to Earth.

"Though our homeworld is once again capable of supporting life we have much rebuilding to do. Alas, we will miss our home away from home and the family we've made here," Optimus said looking at us humans.

"If 'Con's are still out there, won't Earth be on their radar?" Raf asked.

"Raf, if you ever need me, need us for any reason, we're just a Spacebridge away," Bee said.

"Besides, we'll be in good hands with you, Jack, (Y/N) and Miko continuing to serve Unit-E. In a semi-official capacity," Fowler said.

"Woah! We're Agents?!" Miko asked excitedly.

"Consultants," June said looking at Fowler for a second, "until you're of age."

"I trust that Unit-E doesn't have any rules forbidding the enlistment of rusty, old Autobot consultants," Ratchet said.

"Ratchet? You of all-?"

"Yep, yep, yep," Ratchet said interrupting Arcee, "I know where I am needed."

The bots started gathering their things ready to leave. Optimus activated his holoform to say goodbye to me. I turned away not wanting to say goodbye.

"I think I'm going to cry," I said feeling like I will actually start crying.

"I did not want to make you unhappy, but you asked me to tame you," Optimus said.

I slightly nodded, "I know."

"Then I have not done you much good, have I? It has all been a waste of time."

I shook my head, "no. Because you wasted so much time on me... you made me feel very important."

"But now I feel sort of responsible for you."

"I should've warned you that would happen," I said with a smile, looking at him, "you always feel responsible for what you've tamed."

I looked away again.

"(Y/N), I promise you, as soon as we have enough Autobots to help rebuild our home, I will return to you and live the life we dreamed of."

"I believe you," I say turning to him, "but that won't stop me from missing you."

"I know, sweetspark. But I will return, no matter what happens."

We shared one last kiss before his holoform fizzled away. A Spacebridge to Cybertron opened and we watched as everyone went through. Optimus was last but I caught up with him before he left to give him something.

"I brought you a present. It's a secret, so I wrote it down," I gave him a piece of paper.

He took it, pet me one last time before leaving for Cybertron. Little did I know that was the last time I would see him. Weeks after he left, I started my ghost hunting job which soon became its own little thing on YouTube. I gained a lot of fans loving what I made. It wasn't long before I reunited with two old friends, Knockout and Starscream.

But the happy reunion was cut short when they told me Optimus sacrificed himself just to bring life to Cybertron. Once I heard them say that, I dropped to the floor and cried. The one person that made me happier than anything in the world has gone. Knockout and Starscream had to activate their holoforms I didn't know they had and comfort me.

We went in my cottage where they proceeded to wrap me in a blanket, give me hot chocolate they had a hard time making and my plushies to calm me down but nothing would soothe the pain of losing my first and only love.

"(Y/N), we are so sorry for your loss but it was for a good purpose," Starscream said.

I knew that but it doesn't help.

"(Y/N), Optimus gave me a message to pass onto you if you'd like to hear it," Knockout said.

I nodded. Knockout gave me a human-sized Cybertronian iPad. I just tapped it and I saw Optimus on screen.

"(Y/N), if you are seeing this now, that means I am currently one with the Allspark. Megatron came back from the dead with Unicron possessing his body. I did what I had to do to save both Megatron and Cybertron. The Allspark was in a protective container which is now inside the Matrix of Leadership. I must do what must be done to give Cybertron new life. This will be hard for you, Sweetspark, but I will never leave you for good. I will live on in your memory, in spirit and in your heart. And know that I will never forget the little fox I tamed and loved. I will be going soon. And I will take your secret with me," Optimus held up the paper I gave him, "I love you, (Y/N), and I always will."

And the video ended. Not before turning on again to reveal an edited video of the day we met and the day he tamed me. I smiled with tears in my eyes watching that day again and Knockout and Starscream watched in fascination as the headstrong Autobot leader they knew was a completely different bot. It shows that he is more than just a leader who never showed his emotions.

After weeks of greaving, I decided to move on and continued my new life. Knockout and Starscream became my roommate and partners on my ghost hunting adventures. I even started a second YouTube channel of just the three of us doing our own things. Daily lives outside of ghost hunting, silly skits, shenanigans, things like that. Of course, we couldn't use their real names so we made some up.

Starscream's human name is Sean and Knockout's human name is Conner. We go on fun adventures around the world and collaborate with other ghost hunters on YouTube. Overall, we have a great time. I have tried multiple times to see if I can get in contact with Optimus' spirit via a spirit box but so far I've had no answers. I've stopped that now. I just can't wait to see what the future holds for the three of us.

A heart of gold (TFP Optimus Prime X Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon