Chapter Twenty-Six: Family Life

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We returned from yet another ghost hunting adventure and we came home with scratches because we accidentally made a Demon angry. A demon of all things. We seriously need to try to stay away from these places with Demons and bad spirits. Sometimes it isn't easy because we don't know most of the time. I'm still surprised the boys wanted to do this.

I have told them if they don't want to do it, they don't have to but they insist that they want to do it. It is nice to have company. Anyway, after disinfecting the scars, we all went to bed ready for a few days vacation from our job. The next day, I was grooming and fluffing out my tail because it can get scruffy.

Optimus was seeing what was on TV and Knockout and Starscream were talking about something. I could hear what it was but decided to be quiet. I've wanted to talk about the same thing with Optimus. The two came over to us asking to talk so Optimus turned the TV off and we listened.

"What's up?" I asked.

"Um, Starscream and I were wondering if it was okay with you two if we can perhaps adopt a human child to take care of?" Knockout asked.

"You sure? I mean, I'm okay with it but Optimus is the boss and I want to be sure you two want this," I said.

"We've been talking about this for weeks and we are 100% sure," Starscream said.

"What about you?" I asked Optimus.

"I believe that they have proved themselves worthy of being Autobots and of taking care of humans of any age. So I say yes," Optimus said smiling.

The boys were happy that we both agreed to let them adopt a child to stay here.

"While we're on the subject, Optimus, can we have a child of our own?" I asked, "I've been meaning to ask for a while."

"Of course, we can," Optimus said smiling, "But on one condition."

I was afraid he would say that.

"You will stop this spirit hunting," Optimus said looking serious.

"You're asking me to give up my dream just to start a family," I said.

"Ever since I came with you on one of your adventures, I knew it was dangerous. And I do not want you to put our child at risk of anything these spirits can do. I want everyone safe from harm."

"I see where you're coming from, Optimus. I will stop the ghost hunting. But can we do it one last time? Just to tell the people on YouTube who watch our videos that we won't do it anymore and that's the last episode."

"Yes. One last time."

"I will admit, it was fun while it lasted," Knockout said.

So, we did do one last adventure and told our fans what we were doing to do now which was to continue uploading videos on our vlog channel and keep our ghost hunting channel for those who still liked the content. After that, we got ready for the children. Knockout and Starscream decided on letting someone have a baby for them so then they can take care of the baby as their own from there.

We didn't know that was possible until we saw a scenario of it on a show called, 'What Would You Do?'. So, they were doing that and waited. Optimus and I? We were waiting to see if I could have children. A few weeks later, I got results. I was pregnant. I was very happy to see the results but then got nervous. I'm half fox and normal foxes can have four to nine pups. So, if the breeding half of me is like a fox, there will be a lot of kids running around.

We had Ratchet take care of me during my pregnancy because I don't trust many doctors. When it was time to know how many children I was supposed to have, I was relieved. It was only twins, a boy and a girl, and, for more good news, the fox side of me didn't take over when it came to children but I was warned that the twins will be half-human, half fox and half Cybertronian, or Tecno-organics. So they will look human and possibly have fox ears and tail but they can transform into human robots.

I was okay with it. I will love them no matter what. We also got some news on Knockout's and Starscream's child. They were having one. A girl. Now we had genders and how many, we thought on names, and their rooms. We decided to have them all in separate rooms, except the twins, until they were older then they'd all share a room. We didn't think about when they were teenagers because we just wanted to watch them grow up before thinking about the future.

Knockout's and Starscreams little girl came first. She was very cute. They called her Nora. Soon after, our twins were born. Amber and Hadley. All three were amazing kids. Our twins did grow fox ears and tails but they didn't want to show anyone so they hid them. We supported their decision however they did show them to their boyfriends or girlfriends once they feel they could trust them to keep their secrets.

The bots did reveal their true forms to the kids but they didn't care. They still loved their parents. I just wished I could've watched them grow up more. They got married and had kids of their own but then something happened. I got into an accident and got hurt bad. On top of that, I also learned that I had heart disease a few weeks before and was getting treatment for it. I was hospitalised with a low chance of survival. Optimus came to visit me trying to stay strong.

"Optimus," I said weakly.

"(Y/N), how are you feeling?" Optimus asked.


"(Y/N), I have a plan for you to keep living if you... do not make it."

"Optimus, don't think about that. I'll make it. I have made it out of worse."

"This is not like MECH or the Decepticons, you were hit by cars during a big car accident and you have a serious disease. You will not make it out of this one. Just listen to me."


"Ratchet and Knockout are currently finishing a Cybertronion body to transfer your consciousness into it so you can stay alive with our children and with me."

"A new body. A new life."

"It is still a fox form and you can transform into one and have a vehicle mode. You will still be yourself."

I thought for a moment, "I'll do it."

Just like Optimus predicted, I didn't make it.

(A/N: sorry that this took way to long to update. I was lacking ideas and I was on a months ban from the internet. See you next chapter)

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