Chapter 2

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You heard a knock on the door and you got up, your heart beating. You opened it to be face to face with Mr Slope. You smiled and looked down at his shoes. "Come in" you said, "Into the drawing-room" 

He sat and you sat opposite, you smiled and looked away. "I have looked forward to this meeting since I have first arrived in Barchester." He smiled. "Tell me are yous sisters here?" he asked, his voice was even better up close. 

"Yes sir" you said, looking up into his dark eyes. "They have just gone to get the tea"

"Ahh" he murmured and looked around the room, his eyes finally falling on you again.

"I liked your sermon" you said smiling, trying to make small talk.

"It was humble but sincere" as he said that your sisters joined the room again and placed the tea down

He took a cup and held it in one hand, he smiled slyly as he looked at all three of you. "As I told Ms (y/n) I have looked forward to this meeting since I have first arrived in Barchester." he said "I am a most fervent admirer of your father and his work in the diocese." you watched as Slope sturred his tea and placed the spoon on the side of the teacup.  He did things which such grace and swiftness

"Including his music?" Elenor asked.

"Especially his music, Mrs. Bold." he said, taken aback slightly by Elenor's statement.

"Really?" Mary asked.

Mr. Slope stopped mid sip and smiled a little. "I think I know what you're thinking."

"Do you?" you asked, looking from Slope to Elenor. 

"Do you?" Eleanor repeated.

"You're thinking, how can I profess admiration for your father's music having apparently condemned such music from the cathedral pulpit." he said

"With respect, the thought crosses my mind Mr. Slope."

"Ms Bold" Obadiah said gently, placing down his cup of tea and lacing his fingers together. "My criticism if, indeed it was criticism, it was intended in a constructive sense. To correct some of the general tendencies in our forms of worship. But aware such criticism is concerned, if indeed it was criticism, your father and his music are a glorious exception."

"I shall convey your sentiments to him." Elenor smiled, obviously happy with what Mr. Slope said.

"Pitty, he can't be with us I did say I want to talk to him." Obadiah looked towards Mary then finally to you and he smiled warmly. You hopped that you were not the one to answer

"You may be assured Mr. Slope that only the most pressing of engagements would have prompted his early departure." Mary said quickly. Slope nodded however kept his eyes on you

"Of course." he said. you bit your lip slightly, nervous and flustered under his gaze "Would you like to give him another message from me Mrs. Bold." 

"By all means." Elenor smiled when his eyes left yours to look at her.

"It is quite possible that the new bishop will invite your father to resume his old situation as warden of Hiram's hospital."

"Go back to the hospital?" Eleanor smiled at you and Mary brightly, "That would be wonderful." You were too busy watching Mr. Slope to really care about the conversation, the way his movement was to smooth and planned while his voice was so low and deep.

"I can give no guarantees and nor would you expect me to but-"

"I shall certainly tell him the good news." Elenor turned toward her John Jr. "Did you hear that?"

"And this is your child, Mrs. Bold." Obadiah turned towards the child as if he had never seen one before, a mixture of confusion and interest in his face.

"This is John Bold Jr, yes." she said, stroking the baby's back

Slope got up and leaned down towards baby John. "Truly this is the most beautiful and exquisite sight I have beheld since I arrived in Barchester." you blushed when he looked at you then back down to the baby. "The Lord's blessing be upon you, my child. May your innocence security flourish and may you always give thanks to God for the wondrous grace and tenderness of your mother." He looked to Elenor and then to you. "and the kindness and beauty of your aunt". He stared at you from where he knelt in front of the cot, his fingers gently tapping at the edge. His head slowly tilted as he stated.

You almost dropped your tea at his words and looked down, taking a sip of it to try and stop your beating heart. It was now cold and you grimaced sightly. 

"I must depart" he said, looking at the clock. "It is almost time for my meeting with the archbishop. It has been a pleasure talking to you all". His eyes returned to your face and he smiled, standing and going over to the door.

"(y/n), go and see him out" Mary said.

"Of course" you murmured, standing you placed the tea on the tray and opened the door for him and closed it as you were in the passage. 

"It has been lovely to meet you properly" he murmured. He took your hand in his, and brought it to his lips and kissed it gently, he looked up at you, his dark eyes looking into yours. You felt flustered and your heartbeat widely. "I would love to get you know further" he murmured against your hand before kissing it again and slowly dropping it. 

"Y-Yes of course" you said grinning. "Well you know where I live and you are most welcome to have another cup of tea"

"That sounds wonderful" he said smiling. He placed his hat upon his head and walked to the door. "So long, Ms (y/n)" he said and walked out.

You stood frozen to the spot as your sisters came out, they had been listening.

"He has taken to you" Mary said.

"He has not" you murmured. "He is being polite" you looked at your sisters. "I'm serious" you said.

Mary laughed and shook her head and went back into the drawing-room with Elenor. You stood still and kissed the hand which he had kissed, your heart fluttered and you grinned. His kiss was so soft and you could still feel his touch on your hand. You went back into the room and sat, grinning from ear to ear.

Soon your father came back and sat. 

"It seems like a remarkable coincidence that you returned minutes after Mr Slope left" Elenor said.

"Not at all a coincidence my dear" your father said, sitting. "I walked up and down at a safe distance"

Elenor huffed. "Seems an awful lot of trouble father"

"I would do the same thing for Mr Slope anytime, I would even do it for Ms Proudie. But none else" he murmured.

"He was more disappointed that you were not here" Mary said "he greatly admired you"

"and your music" Elenor added.

"He also admired your youngest daughter," Mary said, looking over at you who went red. "Your kindness and beauty"

"Whatever has been saying to you?" your father asked looking over to you. "He said something about the Hospital" you murmured, a piece of cake in your mouth.

"What he said was that you might be asked to go back to be warden of Hiram's hospital"

"He said that?" your father asked.

"That is why he was so disappointed you were not here" you added. "Now I shall get more tea" you said, getting up and taking the tray through. Your heart still beat and you kissed your hand again where Slope's lips touched. You sighed and looked out into the garden, you hopped you would see him again and that he would kiss your hand like he did today. You went red as you got the water ready, giggling at your thoughts. 

Smitten  // Obadiah Slope x readerHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin