Chapter 12.

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Chapter 12.

Gabriella's POV

"Why should I tell you?" She asked me. I smirked at her.
"You talk to me or should I call Christian?" My smirk grow even more when I saw fear in her eyes when I mention Christian.

"I was running from my pack and I didn't know where I was till I saw three huge wolves growling at me." She said.
"Why did you run away from your pack?" I asked her softly. She just shrugged. "C'mon you can tell me."
"My mom is a bitch and tried to control me so I run." She said.
"Okay, you can stay here if you want." I said.

"Really?" She and Cole asked at the same time. Cole look at me like I'm crazy and she looked at me hopefully.
"Yes really." I said.
"I'm sorry luna, but are you crazy." Cole asked.
"She's telling the truth and if she lied well is she lied I'm gonna be pissed and you should know I'm much worse than Christian when I'm mad." I said smiling innocently at them.

"I like you!" She said smiling at me.
"Women." Cole mumbled.

"So what's your name?" I asked and sat on the chair next to her bed.
"Adalyn." She said.
"Cool, as you already know I'm Gabriella, that is Cole the beta and Christian is the alpha." I said.
"I don't like him at all." She said when I mention Christian. I laughed at her.
"Me neither." I said. She looked at me like I'm crazy. "What?"
"But he's your mate, shouldn't you be defending him?"
"It's a long story, I'll tell you about it some other time." I told her.

Door open and calm Christian walked in. Adalyn glared at the floor. I smirked at her.
"Cole!" Christian said but he's looking at me.
"The rogue run away from her pack and accidentally walked into the territory, luna believes her and asked her to join the pack." Cole quickly said.

"Gabriella?" Christian glared at me.
"Yes Christian?" I asked politely.
"You believe her?" Christian asked me.
"Yes." I said.

"What?" Me, Adalyn and Cole asked at the same time.
"I trust you to make a decision." Christian said and turn to look at Adalyn. "but one mistake and I'll k-"

"Don't worry, I already warned her, we all know my wrath is ever worse than yours." I cut him off and smile when I saw all three of them shudder "Now I'll be going, I have to take care of my kids."
"What? You're a mom?" Adalyn asked shocked.
"Yeah.." I said confused.
"But you look so young and you are so fit." She said and pointed at my body.
"Well not to brag of anything, but I know I'm gorgeous!" I said smiling arrogantly at her.

"How old are they?" She asked me.
"In a month they will turn five." I said.
"What? How old are you?" Adalyn asked.
"Twenty, I got pregnant when I was fifteen." I said. "I'll tell you about it when you recover."
"Okay." She mumbled. I smile at her and walk out of the room, Christian and Cole followed behind me.

"Did you get twins from school?" I asked Christian.
"I sent Paul and Adriana to get them." Christian said.


"Mommy!" Blaze yelled as I walk into the house.
"Blaze?" I asked and walk into the living room.
"Where were you mamma?" He asked and Blake nodded.
"I was meeting a new friend." I said smiling at them. "How was school?"
"Good!" Blaze said.

"Did you eat?"
"Why?" I asked them confused. They are always eating. I guess it's cause they are alpha kids.
"We were waiting for you and daddy." Blake said.
"Why are you waiting for me?" Christian said behind me.

"Daddy." They both yelled and went to hug him.
"What about my hug?" I said pouting at them. They quickly hug me too. "Now go eat, I need to talk to your daddy."
"Okay!" They said and run toward the kitchen.
"I'm guessing this is about the rogue." Christian said.

"Her name is Adalyn and yes, yes it is about her." I said seriously. "I want her to join the pack."
"Okay." He nodded.
"What? Are you okay?" I asked him.
"I already told you, I trust you to make decisions, you are the luna. We are equal." Christian said.
"How many time I have to tell you, I'm not your freaking luna!"
"Yes you are." Christian said. We both glared at each other.
"Whatever." I said and broke eye contact with him.

"You haven't join the pack either." Christian said.
"Oh yeah, me and the twins will join the pack when Adalyn joins." I said and he nodded. "Can you give me the key for the music room?"
"Yes." Christian said and took the key from his pocket. I grab the key from his hands.
"Thanks." I said awkwardly and walk towered the music room.

When I walked in immediately I sensed Christian's smell. I sniff again, but I couldn't smell anyone else. I can't believe he doesn't let anybody in this room anymore. Five years ago this room was used more then a kitchen and that's saying something. I pick up a red guitare which Chrisitan boughed me when I learned how to play. I begin playing Forget Foreven by Selena Gomez. It's like it is describing my situation with Christian. 'Our love was made to rule the world, you came and broke the perfect girl.'

When I finished the song somebody started clapping. Do you know who? Of course Christian fucking Hall and twins. I smile at twins.

"Mommy this room is awesome, can you teach me how to play guitar?" Blaze said.
"Of course I can!" I said. "Did you eat?"
"Yes we did!" Blaze said and they both run around the room looking at the instruments.

"That was beautiful." Christian said. I ignored him. I don't want to talk to him if it isn't necessary.
"Are we gonna talk about what happened between us?" He asked.
"Moment of weakness." I said and shrugged. He clench his jaw and glared at the floor.

"Daddy, mommy are you in love?" Blake asked us. I froze and look at him wide eyed.
"What?" I mumbled.
"Our friend said that mommy and daddy have to love each other." Blaze said. I gasped at them.
"Well I loved your daddy when we had you two, I don't know about him." I said and mumbled the last part.

"I loved you mother, I still love her and I will always love her." Christian said without hesitation.
"Bullshit!" I said and glare at Christian.
"Bullshit!" Blaze said. Oh no.
"Bullshit!" They both yelled.
"Don't say that word ever again! It's a bad word!" I told them.
"Okay mommy." They said but I heard Blaze whispering 'bullshit.' again.

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