Chapter 11- Not One, But Two

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If this chapter seems rushed then sorry, also sorry I haven't written in a while. I haven't had time because school is crazy and my school district really fucked up the online schooling system. But, chapter 3 spoilers!

I woke up feeling tired and weak. My whole breakdown yesterday left me feeling completely worn out. Luckily, Gonta was there for me. I really don't know how he still likes me after that huge breakdown I had.

(A/N: rdfcgvh idk why Y/N sounds like such a pick-me girl)

Slowly, I sat up and rubbed my forehead. I sat there, playing with the folds on the sheets. After waiting for a while I finally laid back down and turned on my side to face Gonta. I carefully grabbed a strand of his hair and played with it. He groaned and stretched, turning over to hug me. Gonta wrapped his arms around me and opened his eyes. Trying not to make eye contact with him, I looked down. He cupped my cheek and made me look at him.
"Why does Petal not want to look at Gonta?" Gonta asked.
"I'm just still upset about yesterday..." I muttered. Gonta held me tighter.
"Gonta isn't upset, Gonta is only upset when Petal is." Gonta said. I smiled and hugged him before getting up. Gonta got up after me. He left to go get dressed in his room while I stayed in mine.
After getting ready, I waited outside of the dorms. Gonta finally arrived and we walked to the dining room together. When we arrived, everything felt... dull.
Everyone was staring at me, confused and a little worried. I looked down and grabbed enough courage to say something.
"I wasn't planning a murder, you can even ask Tenko." I said.
"They're right! I was wrong... I was just really confused and worried about Y/N that I just blurted it out." Tenko reassured everyone. She then approached me and put her hand on my shoulder. "Y/N isn't a killer!"
"Thank you, Tenko." I smiled.
"I'm sorry for blaming you, I was confused as well..." Tsumugi said.
"Well now that everyone is better, let's eat!" Kaito suggested. As we all sat down and got prepared, Shuichi began to look around the table.
"Where's Angie and Himiko?" Shuichi asked.
"I saw Himiko going to the third floor this morning." Kiibo said.
"Let's go get her! She might be in trouble!" Tenko commanded. Shuichi then stood up and followed Tenko upstairs. The rest of us sat there and ate. While eating, I also noticed Kokichi was gone.
"Hey, where's Kokichi?" I asked.
"Who cares about that twat anyways!? He's just an annoying, lying bitch!" Miu said.
"I guess your right..." I mumbled, a little shocked at her answer. After a few minutes of eating and talking, the body discovery announcement went off. We all stopped eating.
"Oh no..." Tsumugi whined.
"Let's go check it out." Kaito said. He then stood up and left the room, we all followed him. Once we finally arrived in Angie's research lab, this is what we saw...

"Angie..." I mumbled.
"NYEH!?" Himiko screamed. She ran up to Angie's body and stared at it. "She's dead..." Himiko whined, obviously holding back tears. Tenko ran up behind her and placed her hands on her shoulders.
"It's okay to cry Himiko..." Tenko said.
We sat there in silence until Maki stood up.
"We should investigate, we don't want to run out of time." Maki basically commanded us. We all started to investigate.
"Gonta, we should start investigating as well." I turned around to see Gonta crying. "What's wrong?" I asked him, concerned.
"Another friend died and it's all Gonta's fault! If only Gonta was there to protect Angie..." Gonta cried. I cupped his cheek with my hand.
"It's not your fault, alright? We can't protect everyone and we have to except that. You still have so many other people to protect so don't be upset that you lost one friend..." I said. Gonta wiped his tears and put his hand over mine. He smiled and nodded. I grabbed his hand and began investigating with him. As we were investigating, Korekiyo mentioned a seance.
"A seance?" I asked him.
"Yes, a seance. Fortunately we have the items in my lab to do one." Korekiyo said. "With this seance we can communicate with Angie."
"That sounds like a great idea!" Tenko shouted. Everyone looked at her, confused and surprised. "I'm only doing this for Himiko, she deserves to talk to Angie again."
"Nyeh?" Tenko put her hand on Himiko's shoulder.
"I know you miss Angie and I want you to speak to her one last time." Tenko said.
"Alright..." Himiko gave in.
"Kehehe.. great. I need 4 people to do the seance with me, no more and no less." Korekiyo said. Kokichi immediately volunteered, along with Tenko and Himiko. "I need one more person."
"I'll do it." I said. I approached Korekiyo. "Call this an apology for trying to punch you that one day..." Korekiyo stared at me for a second and said nothing, he then brought everyone to one of the empty rooms down the hall.
While we were preparing for the seance, Korekiyo all gave us a paper with what seems to be a song written on it.
"You will need to memorize this song before we start. The song is an important part of the seance." Korekiyo said. After memorizing the song, we were almost ready to start the seance.
"We're almost done, I just need a volunteer. For Angie to speak to us we need someone she can speak through. I need it to be a woman though, using a woman has a higher rate of success." Korekiyo suggested.
"I guess I'll do it." Himiko said, stepping forward. Tenko stood infront of her.
"I'll do it!" Tenko turned to look at Himiko. "I want you to speak to Angie one more time, alright?"
"Alright..." Himiko muttered, blushing just a little.
"Kehehe... wonderful." Korekiyo chuckled. We all helped Korekiyo set up, making sure not to mess up the salt. After that, we blew out the candles and began to sing...

Korekiyo called out to Angie twice, no response both times. Kokichi got extremely bored and broke the silence, ruining the seance. We finally gave up and lit the candles again.
"Tenko, you alright?" I asked. No response.
"Let's check if she's okay." Himiko said. We removed each item, one by one until we reached the cage covering Tenko. When we removed the cage...

"T-TENKO!!!" Himiko screamed.

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