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Warning: this chapter contains smut so... yeah, enjoy I guess

Another month had passed, pretty quickly to be honest. You had completely moved out of your dormitory and were happily living with Levi. At first, it was kind of strange, but you quickly got used to his routine and started to enjoy the time you two spent together.

Your mornings were the best thing, morning Levi was just the softest thing you could ever imagine, always woke up before you but refused to get up without cuddling you first, once you were both ready, he would drive you to the nearest Starbucks and buy you your breakfast, then he would drop off at your college and he would go to his office. Some days he had to be at work earlier and he would let you borrow one of his cars, but it was a rare event.

After school the two of you would either concentrate on your assignments, both closed in his office, you would study and he would do the paperwork that he hadn't been able to get done at work. If you were both free, then he would plan something to do, he brought at a lot of fancy places.

You were also able to convince him to do some couple stuff, like watching a movie while cuddling, cooking together, he even allowed you to put a mask face on his skin and take pictures, in fact, your camera roll was full of pictures of the two of you. Either it was you two posing or just pictures of him that you took while he wasn't looking, those were probably the best because they were the only ones in which he had a genuine expression and not his serious look.

Long story short, if before you weren't sure about your feelings, now it was certain that you were in love with him. No, it wasn't the sex, nor his money, it was him. You could only think about him, what was he doing? Was he thinking about you? Did he feel the same way? Sometimes you would joke about the two of you being a cute couple, but he would straight up ignore it.

Ugh, you didn't know what to do about it. He would treat you like you were his girlfriend, but then he would deny and tell you that you're his sugar baby and it's only normal for him to treat you that way because he cares.


You sighed looking at the sky, you were sitting at some tables placed outside of the college, Eren was sat next to you. "What's up with you these days?" He asked placing his chin on his hand.

"Mhm?" You looked at him curiously.

"You're always daydreaming or lost in your thoughts, have you heard a single thing I said?" He questioned and you forced a smile feeling embarrassed, it was that obvious? "Something's happening, I'm your best friend, I know." He smirked and you rolled your eyes.

"Shut it, you say that all the time." You looked down at your book, you had totally zoned out and forgot to study. You snorted closing it, you would've concentrated on it once you were home. "What time is it?" You shot a look to your clock, generously gifted from Levi to "help you be on time on shit", and frowned. He was late, he was never late.

"Woah, where did you get that?" Eren grabbed your wrist and analyzed the watch with widened eyes. "Shit Y/n, this is expensive." He muttered amazed.

"I know." You pulled away from his grip and hit your hand under the table. "I've been saving up." You lied brushing a lock of hair behind your ear, Eren's eyes were burning against your skin. "Really, with my job and my free staying, I've been able to save a lot."

"That's wonderful, so you'll be back in the dormitory soon?" He asked hopefully. "We miss you, you're never around anymore. You're either working or at home, and you haven't told us where you live so we can't come to visit you." He argued and pouted a little.

You looked at him amused and then started to laugh. "I think you just want someone to talk to that won't start a monologue about space like Armin or criminology like Mikasa." You patted his shoulder and he smiled. "I'm sorry if I looked like I didn't want to stay with you. Truth is, I'm so busy with my studies and... the job, and when I'm home I help to cook, clean and so on." You shrugged. "But I'll try and make time for you."

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