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"y/n" a soft manly voice from behind you called.

The person went to sit beside you, looking at the same direction as you were looking at. You didn't face him, you didn't want to let him see you in this state.

You ignored the bell ringing, indicating that lunch was already over.

Why attend school if you could just cry like an idiot out in the open like this?

"So..." He stated, trying to make a conversation.

Oh- did I say manly voice earlier? Forget that, it was obviously a lie.

"What are you doing here" You sighed, did he sneak into Yuuei? If he did the school needs to upgrade their security system.

"You know....the usual?" He stated--it was more like a question to me.

"Mhm....the usual?" You asked still looking straight ahead.

"I'm checking up on you dumbass" He unpatiently said. Finally he got straight to the point.

"So what are you doing here looking so broken-?" He asked. "A guy broke your heart huh?" He continued.

"Eh? What the--lmao no" You denied, not minding the fact that there's tears streaming down your face.

"Yeah, says the one who's quietly sobbing out in the open" even though you weren't facing him you felt like he rolled his eyes while saying that.

"I'm pretty sure I look like a loser huh?" You stated--as a matter of fact.

"Pretty much" you gazed at him at the side of your eye, you saw him nodding.

"Care to tell me your troubles?" He initiated, carefully asking. You took a deep breath.

"Na--" as you were about to explain a shout cutted you off


"Y/N BRO! IS THAT YOUR BOYFRIEND?" Sero asked, more like yelled.

"Kaminari, stop she's probably flirting with Akabane right now. If we disturb them, the red head might come for our heads" you heard Aizawa said, the classroom was literally like 2 meters away so you could hear them loud and clear, they also had the window open.

"I'm not kidding, that brat will cut our heads off when he's in the mood" your homeroom teacher said seriously. The others instantly shut up by this. Aizawa however takes this advantage to lecture them.

You didn't bother looking back, you might see the blonde pomeranian kid.

"You know Karma-- sometimes I wished that I just accepted Endeavor's offer" you finally said, ignoring the stares you felt at the window.

"Mhm? Why?" He asked, now laying down in the field still beside you.

"Bakugo is an ass" you chuckled as you said that, it made you feel a bit better.

"yeah, no shit sherlock" the redhead snapped back. Still not okay with the fact that you liked somebody else.

You both went quiet, the only sound you heard was Aizawa's lectures at your class. I'm actually suprised he's not sleeping.

"y/n chan?" Karma decided to break the silence.

"Yeah?" you asked, still not bothering to look at him.

"I'll kill this Bakugo kid for you, how dare he make my y/n-chan cry" he said angrily. He grabbed his phone and dialed a number.

"Hello Nagisa? We're back in business--" He said to the phone. "No no--y/n-chan's heart broken right now, we need to kill the guy" he whispered on his phone.

"chile Karma--"

"I don't know what the guy looks like though, but I'm at Yuuei right now" he whispered through the phone. You were staring to get irritated.

"Yeah yeah-- his name is like Bakugo Shituski or something" he continued, forgetting the fact that you were right beside him.

You took his phone, "hey Nagisa-sweetie I'm not heartbroken and you don't have to kill someone. Karma's just making things up, you know? Same old Karma, we're already third-years and yet he still acts like a phsycho" you explained, giving the redhead infront of you a disgusted look as he pouted.

"Bro Karma- ew stop pouting you look like a damn duck" you said, disgusted. That remark made him cross his arms and rolled till he turned his back on you.

"Yep, that's all. Bye Nagisa! I love you!" You yelled as you hanged up.

"So he gets an I love you and I don't?
Y/n-chan don't you think you have favorites?" He asked grumpily.

"Is it that obvious?" You cackled ugly, not minding your poise and all because you were with Karma.

"y/n-chan you has favorites?" He gasped, pretending to be shock. "Well that's not really a suprise because you found Karasuma-sensei hot" he shrugged.

"But..Do you think that bedhead, eye bag yellow looking caterpillar guy is hot too?" His eyes widened at what he said. Sometimes I don't get him, he gets shocked at his own stupidness.

Well..what he was saying isn't really a lie-

he mumbled something under his breath, but you didn't hear it so you ignored it.

"Neways as I asked earlier, did you sneak in here? How the fuck did you do that? Teleport? Please-- you dont even have a quirk" you stated.

As he was about to talk, a shout interrupted him.

"Y/N!" A husky agitated voice yelled from behind making you and the redhead face the speaker.


arma is the same year as Class-3A
and y/n if your lost.

𝐓𝐄𝐗𝐓𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐄 ☞︎︎︎ 𝑩𝒂𝒌𝒖𝒈𝒐 𝑲.  𝐃𝐈𝐒𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐔𝐄𝐃Where stories live. Discover now