two -edited-

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Jacob straightens up in his seat as we drive, indicating that he's probably gonna start talking. "So uh, you're the Elizabeth that Charlie's been talking about?" I chuckle, nodding. "I'd sure hope so." "How old are you?" "Sixteen." His eyes widen as he looks at me. "You're only sixteen?" I nod again, my brows furrowing in confusion. "Yeah?" It came out more in a question than a statement. "Oh, wow." "Why wow?" He shrugs. "You uh, you look older than sixteen." "Are you saying I look old?" He shakes his head quickly, his eyes widening as he holds his hands up in defense. "No! No, I-" "Cool it, Jacob. It was a joke." I laugh as we pull into the store parking lot. His cheeks tint red as we get out.

"You're in charge of snacks, I'll get drinks." I start to walk away but Jacob sticks by my side. "I'm sure Charlie would prefer if you stayed by me." He rubs the back of his neck. "Either way, we still need snacks and drinks." I smirk as his cheeks go red again. "When do you start school?" He turns to me, handing me the chips he picked out. "Probably next week. I don't know. First day here so I'm not sure if I go tomorrow or next week." He nods. "First day? Everything must be a bit overwhelming then." "Yeah. I'm really only here because dad's worried about Bella. Of course." I mumble the last part under my breath. "You must not know what's going on?" "None of it. Nobody's explaining anything. Came home to an empty room after leaving my friend's. Grandma had sent everything to dad while I was gone."

His brows furrow. "Damn. That's... that's a lot." I shrug, grabbing drinks before heading to the counter. "It's not too bad, I guess. I missed Forks." "Well, I can explain things if you want." I nod quickly. "Please. There's so much going on and I'm left in the dark with it." He smiles, taking the bags from my hands. "Come on. I'll drive back." I hand him the keys as we walk. "We talked about me the entire way there, tell me about you." He smiles, shaking his head. "Not much to tell." "Oh come on, there's absolutely nothing interesting about you?" "Nope." "Bullshit." I smirk, grabbing one of the Monsters out of the bag. He smiles, looking over at me. "Okay then, what do you think is interesting about me?"

"Your hair. Can I ask why it's so long?" He nods. "It's like a tradition for our family. We all have long hair, save a few boys. They're weird. Cut off most of their hair and got matching tattoos." My brows furrow as I look at him. "It's like they're some kind of gang." He adds, his brows furrow in anger. "Weird." "Yeah." He huffs, his brows still deeply creased. "Anyway, yeah. That's why it's so long." It starts to get quiet until I ask another question. "You ever thought about joining?" He shakes his head quickly. "No way. Absolutely not." I nod, and the air goes silent, only slightly uncomfortable. As we pull into the driveway at home, he grabs my wrist when I go to jump out. "You might hear about an Edward at some point, don't mention him around Bella."

I scoff, pulling my arm away. "She's like this over a guy?" "Don't be like that. You have no idea what happened. You weren't even here." I slam my door after grabbing the bags and going inside, closing the front door in Jacob's face. I hear him scoff from the other side before opening it. "You can't be mad when you weren't here." He snaps, following me. I turn on my heel, facing him, brows furrowed in anger. "Shut it. You don't even know why I haven't been here." I push him, walking upstairs. I slam my door behind me, dropping down onto my bed. My phone buzzes beside me, dad flashes across the screen causing me to roll my eyes, reluctantly answering.

"You coming down for the game?" "I don't know. Maybe." "We have pizza." I stand quickly. "Coming." He chuckles, hanging up. I throw my phone onto my bed, walking out. "Done throwing your pissy fit?" Jacob taunts from the couch. I slip my middle finger up, walking to the kitchen. "Enough, Jacob." Billy scolds. I roll my eyes grabbing a plate and another Monster. Two pieces of pizza, chips, and my drink in hand, I walk back to the living room. Halfway through the game when I go to grab another drink, Jacob moves so he's in between his seat and mine. 

I flick him in the back of the head as I walk past. He growls and turns to me. "What the hell was that for?" "Your ass is in my seat. Move over." "No. I was here first." I flick his forehead that time. "Stop flicking me!" "Stop being an asshole!" I snap. My dad stands up, pointing to his end of the couch. "Take my seat, Elizabeth." I flick Jacob again as I walk past, he stands growling. "I told you to stop flicking me!" "What're you gonna do about it?" I smirk, crossing my arms over my chest. "You're such a child. All I did was move over." Jacob scowls.

He glares at me. "You shouldn't have moved into my seat." I snap. "What's it matter? It's a seat!" He exclaims, huffing. "My seat." I huff. "Quit being such a bitch over a seat." He rolls his eyes. "Jacob!" Billy scolds. "That is not how I raised you. Apologize." He orders, motioning to me. I tap my foot, impatiently waiting for Jacob to apologize. He huffs again, shaking his head. "I'm sorry I called you a bitch, all right? Can we watch the game now?" He asks, obviously bored. "I don't know, Jake, can we? Or are you just gonna fight with Elizabeth all night?" Billy asks. I sit back in my seat on the couch, smirking up at Jacob. "I won't fight with her anymore." Jacob states. 

Charlie sits in Jacob's seat forcing Jacob to sit on the other end of the couch instead of beside me. When the game finishes, I stand, stretching out and walking to the kitchen. Jacob walks in. I roll my eyes, facing away from him as I grab a cup out of the cupboard. "I really am sorry, 'Lizabeth. I didn't mean to call you a bitch." He says sincerely. "Whatever." I mumble. I fill the glass, watching him as he stares at me. He crosses his arms over his chest, making me realize how well defined his muscles are. "I'll see you around." He says, shaking his head and walking out with Billy. I huff, walking upstairs and flopping on my bed. 

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