Number One Fan! Interview with Canse12

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This interview is with Canse12, writer of Wattpad's most popular story, Dinner With a Vampire, Did I Mention I'm Vegetarian?

It is truly astonishing that she is only 16 years old and not even finished with her schooling. Her writing has the polish and quality of someone far older and I'm very happy to say that she applies the same care to all of her work, even just answering a few questions for a Nosy Nellie like me.

So I know you will like reading this; I really did.



1. How has growing up in Devon, UK influenced you? What is the best thing about where you live?

When I think about it, growing up where I have has probably been the biggest influence on both my life and my writing. 

I was born and have lived ever since in a place called Torbay on the South Devon coast - more specifically a small fishing town called Brixham.

The area is very picturesque and absolutely stunning, so attracts a lot of wealthy people (particularly those seeking to retire) but juxtaposed against that is quite a lot of deprivation - at my previous school I was amongst a complete cross-section of people which I feel gave me a few lessons in life (you learn how to say 'no', put it that way). It was this experience that influenced my writing and interpretation of teenagers and ultimately, added an 'edge' to my writing that wasn't there before. 

But don't get me wrong, Devon means everything to me. If you take a look at the picture to the right, you'll see why I never lack inspiration. It's a picture I took one morning going to school (I had to go on a ferry every morning and afternoon to get to and fro from my old school; you could see the same view from my primary school and nursery). It's a view I saw twice a day, five days a week for fourteen years and still see several times a week whilst picking my brothers up from school.

(For any interested, the picture is of the mouth of the River Dart - you can just about see Dartmouth Castle on the headland).

How many people can honestly say they have a view like that going to school?

2.       Are you still studying? What is your favourite subject?

Yes. Call me crazy, but in England it's only compulsory to stay in education until you're fifteen/sixteen but I chose to stay on to do 'A' Levels until I'm eighteen.

 My favourite subject is definitely English Literature. You never would have guessed that one, would you?

3.       What parts of your life influence your writing the most and how?

I think going to the school I did - and the one I'm at now for Post-16 education - was one of the biggest influences as I mentioned above. You can't pack hundreds of pre-teens and teenagers into such a small space without some serious drama. I only have to walk through the sixth form (junior and seniors) common room at school to hear a snippet of conversation where I think 'Kaspar could say that!'

4.       Who has been the biggest role model to you and how have they affected your life?

I'm not really sure. People walk in and out of your life; not many other than the very best of friends and family stick around for enough time to become role models. But my family are all very supportive and I am extremely grateful for that.

5.  What is your favourite thing to do when you're not writing?

That depends on the time of year, really. I'm an Explorer Scout and in the summer I love to go out camping and hiking on Dartmoor (another perk of Devon) with my group. In the winter you will just as likely find me shopping in Drake Circus, Plymouth or haunting Costa coffee with my friends. I love to be out on the water too: sailing, rowing, canoeing... you name it, I'll do it!

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