Number One Fan! Interview with Leigh19

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This is an interview with Leigh19. You know her and love her from Saying Goodbye and now The Alliance and Saying Goodbye 2. She was kind enough to sit still long enough for me to squeeze some answers out of, and here they are.

I hope you all enjoy this as much as I did.


1. You're a mom and a student. How do you find time to write?

At the moment the only schooling I'm doing is upgrading my science via Correspondence; I don't actually attend classes until this September. However, I usually write during the girls' naps or preferably at night after they've gone to bed.

2. Do you draw on your real life for any of your stories? Do your muses know that they've been written about?

Absolutely. The best part of creating your own story is the characters; they make or break a story. If your characters are dull then your story will be dull. Every character I've ever made was based off either myself, or people I know or have seen.  I usually try not to tell my muses who they are in case they might find how I portray them offensive, but the few who do know that they're muses find it entertaining.

3.  You're studying nursing, but you're an excellent writer. If you had to choose between the two, which would win?

That's a tough question. As a profession I want to help people through nursing but writing is my passion. It's fun, relaxing and a great release for any pent up stress and emotion. If I had to choose unfortunately I'd choose what pays the bills, so nursing; but now that I've been writing I'll always manage to make some time to do so.

4. What made you start writing?

I've always had a love for reading and writing but had never explored those options. In high school, in my English class, I had to write an essay and the praise I got from my English teacher with all this talk about "potential" that I had did make me curious.  Mostly my writing consisted of journals and songs. I've written a little bit here and there but when I joined Wattpad nine months ago, I made it my goal to write a full story from beginning to end.

5. What's your favorite part of writing and sharing your stories with the rest of us?

My favorite part of writing is sharing it with everyone on Wattpad. Truthfully, I feel like it's my double life. Like I'm some top secret agent running two lives. By day I'm "Lisa: mommy, housekeeper, children activity planner extraordinaire", by night I'm "Lisa: the devious aspiring writer/story telling ninja". I love writing and knowing that people actually like and think my story is good. It's a great boost of confidence and it pushes me to write even when I think my writing is "junk". I love growing as a writer thanks to all the help and tips from the other Wattpadders. You can't go wrong in a community where everyone helps everyone - that we all share the same love and the support is the best part of writing.

6. What's your favorite song right now?

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