Number One Fan! Interview with haferness3

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This interview is with haferness3, one of Wattpad's Ambassadors and a great writer of unique romance stories. Her works include Kitten Has Claws, The Imposter, Revenge of the Vampire Slayer and she is currently writing sequels for KHC and The Imposter. She also has posted some short stories and poetry.

She's a good writer and a great Wattpadder and here is the interview she was kind enough to do for me.



1.       You have quite a few full-length stories written. How long have you been writing? What got you started?

 I don't really remember when I first started to write. Most authors can pinpoint a vague time when they started, but for me, I just can't seem to remember when I began. I know that I always loved to write and in the 8th grade I had a lot of fun writing my first 10pg story for an English class (it was a Murder mystery). I think it was right when I started high school, though, that I began to really write (just for pleasure) because I had such an active imagination and I needed some way to empty out the contents of my mind. Writing quickly became an escape from the chaotic world and a way to relax myself.

2.       What do you do when you're not on your computer?

That's a funny question. I'm almost never NOT on my computer. I'm addicted to it, despite having very limited computer knowledge as my friends can attest to. On a serious note, when not on my computer I'm either sleeping, in class, reading, hanging with friends, or (currently) out exploring London/Europe. 

3.       Who has been the biggest influence to you in your life and why?

Well, I have two people that have had a major influence in my life, for two separate reasons. First, and foremost is my mom. She has the patience of a monk and is the most giving person I know. I didn't really understand how amazing she was until I went away for University. She's just taught me so much about life and how to handle different situations. Both of my parents have been a huge support in my life, but there's just something about my mom that makes me want to be like her in all that I do. The second biggest influence is my Aunt Donna. She has more of an influence on my career path and life, whereas my mom affects my decision making and moral compass. Donna passed away a few years ago, but I had the opportunity to visit her in Paris and learn about what she did. I was impressed with the drive she had, even as she was battling leukemia and wanted to find a way to live life to the fullest, just like she did. So, Donna has inspired me to put everything into what I do and to go after my goals.

4.       What exactly does it mean to be an expert in kitchen knives and how did you attain such expertise?

Haha, well, the summer before my freshman year of college (university) I got a job with Cutco, a company that sells kitchen knives and accessories. It was a door-to-door sales rep job paid via commission. Not the greatest job in the world, but since the knives are really expensive and I was pretty good at selling them, I got a decent paycheck. I'm an expert in knives because we were required to learn everything about the Cutco knives whilst learning about the rules of kitchen knives in general (vegetable knives are straight edged and larger, meat knives have teeth to cut the meat easier, etc etc). Not quite sure how useful all this information will be to me, but since I love to cook, it's really helped out!

5.       What achievement in your life are you most proud of and why?

Erm, I don't know if I can properly answer this. I've had many mini achievements that I am proud of, but nothing big that I can think of. I'm very proud that I managed to finally finish a story (2 now!). I'm proud of getting into the college I wanted to. Proud that I got an internship this summer. Proud when I get A's (top marks) in school because I'm a nerd. Proud that I am studying abroad in London. You see? But...nothing tremendously BIG comes to mind. The little things in life make me happy :)

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