Chapter 1

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"No, I don't need your help!", you yelled into the phone, "I can get home by myself. I'll just take a taxi, you don't need to drive me home."

You just found out that your boyfriend has cheated on you and you stormed out of the cafe. Which was kind of stupid because you didn't know where you were going, but luckily you spotted a cab immediately.

"I don't ever want to see you again!", you said on the phone, "don't call me again."

You opened the door of the car and got into the taxi sighing exhausted.

You wanted to tell the driver your address but you froze when you noticed you weren't alone in the cab.

"What are you doing in my cab?", you asked impolitely because you were still angry from your fight with your ex.

"Excuse me?", he said smiling sweetly even though you were rude to him, "I was already in here when you got in."

"So what? Get out. You're a real pain in the ass", you argued acting like a small child. But you didn't mind. You were so angry and you wouldn't let a snob snatch your taxi away.

He chuckled shaking his head and clicked his tongue. "I'd better watch that mouth of yours", he said piercing you with his dark brown eyes.

In the back of your head a voice screamed at you to be nice to this actually really handsome man. But you just wanted to get home.

"Whatever", you leaned forward to tell the driver where to go, "Sir, please drive to (your address)."

"Ahem, Ma'am. This gentleman was in here before you", he said hesitantly fearing your reaction.

"It's fine, Sir. Drive to her location first", the man next to you stepped in before you could protest.

"Aren't you getting out?", you snapped at the man as the cab started driving.

"Nope. This is still my taxi but I'm okay if we go to your place first", he said leaning back in his seat and looked out of the window.

You looked at him irritated and wandered your eyes over his appearance. He wore an expensive looking black suit and his silky black hair was flipped backwards making him look very manly and ... attractive.

"Fine", you said rolling your eyes and groaned, "you really think I fall for your gentleman behaviour?"

"I don't know", he said smirking playfully, "I just had the feeling that you had a bad day and needed some-"

You leaned over to him and cut him off by pressing your lips firmly on his. You caught him off guard and he froze because off your sudden actions.

As you told the story later on to your best friend, you didn't really know why you decided to kiss him. You just did it. Maybe because it felt right. Maybe because you had just ended your relationship.

Or maybe because he was so kind to you even though you were rude. Or maybe because he was one of the hottest men you've ever met.

You kissed him indignantly asking for more with your tongue brushing over his bottom lip.

After a moment of shock he actually he kissed you back. He placed his hands on your nape and pulled you closer.

He was a damn good kisser. It was as if the temperature rose when his tongue explored your mouth making you want even more.

Your lips molded perfectly into each other and he softly bit down on your lower lip.
Only then you noticed how you were running out of air and pulled away taking a deep breath.

Your eyes met as you leaned back and lifted your hand to your swollen lips to pass your fingers over them in disbelief.

You couldn't read the expression on his face and his eyes were imperviously. You were still panting and there was a numb and warm feeling in the pit of your stomach.

You were turned on and you wanted more. You wanted him.

"Ma'am, we're here", the driver informed you and pulled up in front of your place.

"Um, yeah. Thank you", you said snapping out of your thoughts. You reached for your purse and had your hand on the door handle before you turned back once more.

"My apartment number is 3B", you told him and got out.

You inhaled the cold air and made your way to your building not caring to pay the cab ride. I mean, actually it was his taxi anyway.

You went upstairs and were about to unlock your door when you heard steps behind you. You tugged your lower lip between your teeth to contain your smile. You put on a straight face before you turned around.

And there he stood right in front of you. He was tall and the suit couldn't hide the outlines of his well built body.

You looked into each other's eyes and came to a silent understanding.

He placed his hands on your sides and pushed you against the door by your waist. He smashed his lips on yours and you kissed him back needily.

You put your hands around his neck to pull him even closer. He slipped his hands under your shirt making you gasp at his touch.

"Let me quickly... open the door", you said in between the hot kisses.

I Kissed A Stranger In The Back of A CabWhere stories live. Discover now