Chapter 2

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You yawned and turned around in your bed. The sun tickled your nose and the bed was way too comfortable to... GET UP!!!

"Noo! I'm going to be late for work. Not on my first day..", you said whining and sat up in your bed pushing back the sheets.

You widened your eyes when you noticed the male naked figure next to you. His face was buried in the pillow underneath and he was lying on his stomach putting the muscles strained over his back on display.

Oh my god. What did I do? What did I do?

You were only wearing your underwear and quickly got up to get dressed.
You cursed at yourself for your stupid impulsiveness while you took a fast shower and got ready for work.

"I'm sorry but you have to leave", you told the hot stranger who apparently woke up by your stressed door slamming when you came out of the bathroom.

"Okay?", he said chuckling and got up. You hesitated for a second and your gaze lingered on his abs. He was definitely a good catch though.

"Can't you put something on?", you complained and bent down to pick up his pants.

"Sure", he said smirking clearly mocking you and caught his pants you threw at him.
"You really have to go now", you told him while you put on light make up, "I have to go to work. It's my first day, so - why am I telling you this? Just go!"

He had just put on his shirt and grabbed his suit jacket when you already pushed him towards the door.

"But I don't even know your name", he said tilting his head and blocked the door from closing.

"I'm Y/N, happy?", you said and shut the door in front of his smug grin.

"Jeez", you groaned and quickly fixed your hair. You grabbed your purse and keys and made your way to work.

Luckily, you arrived in time, but you were totally out of breath. You didn't even have time to gape at the impressive high-rise building and realize how big of a deal this new job was for you.

You rushed to the elevator, your heels clattering on the white stone floor in the giant foyer. You pressed the button for the 12th floor and tried to calm your breathing.

A quiet ping told you you arrived at the right floor and you got out of the elevator.

Your new job was in the business apartment so you walked to the end of the hallway.

Everything here was designed in a very modern way with a lot of huge glass windows making the ambiance very bright. But you also noticed how luxurious everything was and you were glad that you decided to wear a chic blouse and a skirt.

You found the number of your office and gently knocked on the door. The name tag said 'Lee' and a female voice told you to enter.

"Good morning, you must be Miss y/l/n", she said with the sweetest smile on her lips and came over to you reaching out her hand.

"Yes, that's me", you said shaking her hand, "nice to meet you."

"You can call me by my first name, Seojun", she said and you couldn't help but notice her warm chestnut brown eyes, "you are completely out of breath."

"Yes, I kind of... had an incident", you said embarrassed.

"No problem", she said making a gesture towards an empty desk, "the boss does his round every morning at eleven, so you're lucky. This is your desk from now on. You will see it more often than your own bed."

You knew she was joking but you had a feeling that she was right.

"Thank you", you said chuckling and said down on the chair behind your desk. You were ready to deal with anything this job would bring.

You worked very hard to get where you are now. You always wanted to work in this position.

"So, I'll tell you everything you need to know. And you can ask me anything, of course", Seojun told you from her desk which was across the room. "Thank you. That's very kind", you said smiling.

"Oh, yes before I forget it. When the boss comes by in half an hour, you have to get up and bow, of course, and give him the files lying on your table", she instructed you.
"His name is Jeon Jungkook and he is the youngest and most successful CEO in the country. He likes to be addressed with 'Sir'. Oh, and don't even think of flirting with him. He is absolutely handsome but he has a heart of stone", she explained making you lift your eyebrow.

"Handsome hm?", you asked chuckling. "Yeah, every woman working here is thirsting for him", she said laughing.

"Thank you for telling me all that. I think I'd make a huge fool of myself otherwise", you said gratefully.

"Of course. Oh and also, I prepared the files for today but that will be your task from now. And believe me, you don't want to mess that up", she said and you nodded.

You only managed to sign in your computer before Seojun already got up to open the door for your boss.

You got up from your chair and grabbed the files. Your heart was beating fast when you bowed after the boss entered.

"Good morning, Sir", you said still bowing.

"Good morning", a familiar voice greeted you and you looked up in shock almost dropping the files.

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