Chapter 5

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"Hellooo. Good evenin, Mr Jeon", you said stumbling out of the club and bowed to him almost losing your balance, "I mean, Sir."

"Woah, careful there", he said immediately wrapping his arm around your waist to support you.

"Ey, this creep iss still followin me", you said spotting the weird guy between the people in front of the club.

"Let's go before I break his nose", he said gritting his teeth and walked you to his car.

He helped you get inside the car on the passenger seat and leaned over to fasten your seatbelt. He came so close that you could smell his cologne.

"Wow, you smell amazin", you said giggling, "and you look fine as always in your hot tuxedo."

"Seriously, how much did you drink?", he asked standing upright and bent forward to look into your eyes.

"Not much", you said shrugging and shook your head, "maybe a bit too much. Everythin is spinning now. Is that normal?"

"No. I better drive you home now", he said shutting the car door and got in on the driver's side.

It was silent on the ride to tour apartment and you tried your best to fight the urge to turn on the radio and sing along. Even though you really, really wanted to do that.

You turned your head to the side and let your gaze wander over him. Memories flooded your mind how his hands were roaming over your body and he hungrily kissed you pushing you on your bed.

With a serious expression on his face he was focused on the street while your eyes landed on his veiny hands holding the steering wheel firmly. You felt how you became more needy with each second that passed. He was just so damn attractive.

"Are you okay?", he asked after me noticed you staring at him. "I don't know", you said groaning, "I'm hot. It's hot in here. Did you turn on the heating?"

"No, I didn't", he said looking at you worried as you fanned air to your face.

"I'll quickly open this, okay?", you said rolling down the window. The cold air hit your face and played with your hair making you come back to your senses a little.

You didn't see how a small smile made it's way on his lips as you leaned out of the window to feel the air on your skin and between your hands.

"Mr Jeon - I mean, Sir", you said slightly slurring, "why are you always so cold to me? Did I do something wrong?"

"No you didn't", he said turning right, "some might call it professionalism."

"Professionalism. You're funny", you said giggling and closed the window again. "We're here", he said getting out of the car to help you out. He supported you and you made your way up to your apartment.

You searched for the key in your bag and then tried to unlock the door.
Without saying anything he took the key from you and opened the door for you.

"Thanks", you said stumbling clumsily inside. He was quick to catch you again before you could fall down.

"You don't need to help me. I feel better already", you said trying to stand by yourself and took off your jacket.

"Are you sure? You still seem pretty drunk and I'm not sure if I can leave you like that", he said piercing you with his dark orbs.

"Aw, my cold boss cares for me", you said laughing while you tried to take off your heels. You failed miserably and almost fell to the ground if he hadn't saved you again.

"Sit there. I'll get you a glass of water", he said making you sit on the couch. You watched him walk into the kitchen and sighed.

He came back and you checked him out unknowingly biting your lower lip. He put the glass down on the couch table in front of you and looked back up at you. He froze and then sighed coming closer to you.

"Don't do this", he said and released your bottom lip with his thumb. His soft touch tore down all your walls and you didn't hold back anymore.

You cupped his cheeks in your hands and pulled him down to you. You kissed him passionately and he kissed you back.

He passed his hand up your bare thigh to the point where your dress ended.

You let yourself fall back on the couch and he followed your movements. He supported himself on one knee between your legs and leaned over you connecting his lips with the sensitive skin on your neck.

Your breath hitched and a low moan fell off your lips while you ran your hands through his hair.

"We.. we shouldn't do this", he said panting and pulled away.

I Kissed A Stranger In The Back of A CabWhere stories live. Discover now