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Back on October 5, 2019, I was confined in the hospital due to Rheumatic Heart Fever. To kill time, I had this small blue sketchbook in which I drew numerous giant monsters. After a while, I visualized a giant dragonfly, fighting against a massive pterosaur. I drew the scene and eventually, I wanted to write my own story about Megara, the guardian of the Earth.
The story started when a family was camping in the outskirts of Sequoia National Park, they experienced powerful earthquakes as a massive 'forest God', named Gorgon, approached them. He drew closer after he heard a baby crying inside the trailer. With one powerful swipe, Gorgon pushes the trailer downhill and before he could do anything, a bright green light illuminated the skies above him. A massive dragonfly pierced through the clouds, Megara, the giant insect slashed at Gorgon with her claws and pierced his thick hide with her stinger but Gorgon grabbed the insect's tail and threw her to the ground. Old and severely injured, Megara was defenseless from Gorgon's sharp claws and thundering footsteps. Eventually, she succumbed to her injuries while her essence returns to a remote island.
In the trailer, a young woman, Gina Whitney, observed the battle and tried to wake everyone up, but was unconscious from the crash. In desperation, she left and hid in the nearby foliage. Eventually, her family woke up and screamed in horror as Gorgon looks down on them. Her mother and uncle were pierced by the monster's claws. While her sister, Beverly, gets slashed in the abdomen, her guts spilling out. Then her father tried to defend himself and gets killed. The baby and Beverly begged for help until they were eaten by the beast.
Gina sobbed uncontrollably as she left the forest and soon lived with her aunt, Dr. Vanessa Whitney.
Two weeks after the incident Jim Maxwell was preparing for his uncle's visit when his friends, Nick Louis and Martha Diaz, arrived. When his uncle, Dr. Maxwell, arrived, he was eager to learn about his job and the trio asked him profusely. Unable to resist their questions, Dr. Maxwell shows a briefcase filled with classified government paraphernalia. He told them that a government organization needed recruits for their new 'project'. The trio agreed and packed their bags as they went home. 
Jim was left at home with Dr. Maxwell, who told him not to open a tightly sealed briefcase, Jim disobeyed his orders and found more classified files hidden inside. Upon finding his nephew in his room, Dr. Maxwell hits Jim with a baseball bat. The next morning, Jim woke up in his bedroom and tried to remember what happened that night. As he brought his luggage downstairs, he bumped into Dr. Maxwell who glared at him, upon remembering what he did the night before, Jim tried to apologize but Martha interrupts them and insists that they leave now to catch their flight. As they boarded the plane, Jim had a vision of a massive dragonfly that flew overhead and destroyed the aircraft. As he woke up, they were already landing. He encountered a young, tribal woman in the forest and befriends it after she helped him return to the remote airport. As he tried to introduce her to his friends, she left and returned to her temple and warned her tribe that there are intruders in their territory. They cornered the team as they were about to enter the 'Institute' headquarters and escorted them to their temple. After identifying them as allies, the young girl and her sister gave them lunch. As they were being given a tour of the temple, Martha snuck off and entered a massive cave, where she found an underground lake surrounding a massive egg. As the egg emits blue rays of light, Martha tried to touch it but was interrupted by the two sisters who escorted the four of them out of the temple. As they headed back to their jeep, the two sisters introduced themselves. The elder sister, Mia, stated that their deity will emerge to defeat Keizer, while the younger sister, Lara, comforts Jim. As they joined the trio on the jeep, they drove towards another huge temple. Martha was reunited with her mother and the sisters had a chance to communicate with Megara's egg, their God. As the egg hatched into a massive nymph, it was shot by the guards, which aggravated the nymph. It fought back, biting the mercenaries and swallowing them whole. The sisters entered the containment unit and calmed her down. Then a bomb was set off outside the temple and a group of mercenaries took the scientists and held them captive. Lara instructed the nymph to leave and don't look back as they too, were taken away, but Mia managed to escape. Megara stormed through a Costa Rican village and swam to Kaieteur Falls, where she began her metamorphosis. Meanwhile, in the Mbanza-Ngungu caves, Africa, a massive pterosaur-like beast emerges and attacks the fleet of U.S. Government planes that were sent to the city to investigate the tremor's sources. After a few days, Dr. Linda Yang's team was sent to the falls to monitor Megara while she is still dormant. The next day, as the sun rises, Megara began to molt and unfurled her wings as she flew after Keizer. Dr. Maxwell and the others were brought back to the 'Institute's headquarters in Phoenix, Arizona, and are interrogated by Dr. Whitney and her niece. Later that night, Mia found the resting place of another kaiju, Vera, who could assist Megara against Keizer. As she awakens the bird-like creature, Vera flew off to find Keizer as well. Vera discovered Keizer as he's about to destroy a city near Albay, Philippines. The two monsters fought with Keizer gaining the upper hand due to his lightning breath. Vera retreated as the city of Legaspi was leveled during their battle. Meanwhile, in Arizona, Dr. Maxwell ordered Lara, Jim, Nick, and Martha to escape, a helicopter arrived and brought them to safety. Then Jim had a plan to bring the monsters to Washington D.C. If Megara and Vera managed to cooperate, they could defeat Keizer so their plan was set in motion. Mia and Lara were brought to Washington D.C. to summon both monsters after Keizer arrives. Jim, Nick, Martha, and the other scientists help evacuate the residents and hide them in underground bunkers. Unbeknownst to them, Dr. Evangeline Florence devised a plan to lure Keizer to Washington D.C. She ordered Gina to take control of the beast to destroy other cities as he flew over them. Later that night, Keizer arrived and caused great destruction. Martha was left behind and was about to be killed by Keizer until Megara bursts from the clouds and used her wind blasts to pin Keizer on a nearby building. Then, Keizer flew towards Megara and slashed at her with his claws. Then Vera appeared and broke Megara free from Keizer's grasp. Vera's wind blasts aren't powerful enough to disorient Keizer so he used his Crystalline Ice Shard attack against him. Megara returned and fired numerous wind blasts, which slammed Keizer back down to the ground. Keizer used his lightning breath to injure both monsters. Megara charged towards Keizer and pushed him to the ground but the latter used his wing blasts against Megara which pinned her to a building. Keizer attempted to bite her head off but was stabbed in the chest by Megara's stinger, her wings are severely burnt. Then Keizer reawakened and grabbed hold of Megara's tail, flew to the stratosphere, and threw her to the ground. Severely injured, Megara stands no chance, she called to her egg, which hatched and approached the battle. The massive insect was about to die until Vera flew towards Keizer's lightning breath and killed himself to save Megara. His essence flew towards the dragonfly, but it takes time for Vera's essence to begin revitalizing Megara. "We need a distraction", Jim said to the team. They noticed Dr. Whitney and the others on the helipad but before they could stop them, Evangeline Florence stood in their way, and she won't hesitate to shoot anyone who gets close. They hand over the sacred stone used to seal Keizer, as Evangeline and her mercenaries staged their escape. As they entered the helipad, They saw Dr. Whitney ordering Myron and Gina to enter the chopper. Gina hesitated, but before she could jump in, Megara's nymph arrived and held off Keizer while his mother regenerates. Their beams collided with each other causing a massive explosion that distracted Dr. Whitney. As Myron starts to jump, the chopper started to go down. When he leaped, the helicopter's blades accidentally sliced him in half.
Dr. Whitney screamed in agony after her father's demise. Then she threatened to kill Jim and the others for their mistakes. Lara jumped into the helicopter and grabs hold of Dr. Whitney, showing her a vision of Megara destroying their chopper. She screamed, Lara managed to exit before Dr. Whitney accidentally flew the chopper straight into a building, resulting in a massive explosion killing all aboard. Gina cried as her aunt died, she then ran down the building and escaped alongside Evangeline. Then, Megara reawakened and used her Aurora Beams to incapacitate Keizer. She worked alongside her nymph to defeat him. After Keizer is unconscious, Megara brought him to the Arctic and used her wing blasts to seal him in ice, his weakness. This froze his body, then Mia and Lara placed a sacred stone to seal Keizer hoping that he'll never return. Mia and Lara boarded the aircraft and headed back to Washington D.C. to celebrate their victory. But Megara suddenly faltered and plummeted to the sea. The nymph tried to help his mother get up but to no avail, her injuries were too much. She sank to the depths, never to be seen again.
Mia thanked Jim, Martha, Nick, Dr. Maxwell, and the others for helping them defeat Keizer, while Lara kissed Jim. Mirak and the tribespeople bid farewell. They followed the nymph as he returned the sisters to their new island home.
Meanwhile, Gina now lives with Evangeline Florence and found a map leading to an underwater temple in the South Pacific. An ominous symbol is inscribed in the center.
I liked the concept of this story when I began writing it but there were similarities with other kaiju-related media so I discarded it soon after. I eventually lost interest so I stopped writing. I wanted to start over but barely had the time to think of how to revise the story. 
Eventually, I started to write drafts and what theme will be the story focus on. I began with an aquatic creature, which awakened during World War 2 and destroyed the naval fleet of Japanese and American Ships. Then there's this other story about a giant bird-like creature that rose from the Arctic in the 2020s after the ice began melting. It reemerged in 2027* and began to attack people where a government agency must work together in an attempt to defeat it. But it felt like the 2nd draft had more potential so I chose it.
 The four monsters symbolize the 5 elements, ice, wind, fire, water, and earth. These beasts used to promote balance in nature and worked together to keep it that way but after humanity appeared on the planet, the monsters started to disagree on whether a man is a friend or foe. Upon finding out about their existence, the humans started to retaliate against the monsters, which greatly offended them. In response, the monsters started to destroy their civilizations one by one, but Megara, Gorgon, and Zairon seeing humanity as an ally stood up against the other guardian monsters and stopped them from causing great destruction. 
Then the Libelula Tribe used enchanted gems that were placed on the monster's shrines. These gems are used to seal the monsters, but once removed, this will allow the beasts to break free from their prison, allowing them to wreak havoc once again. 
Ruby is used on Xyleth, the "Monster of the North Wind", an emerald is placed on Zairon, the "One who Controls the Sea". A diamond was given to Gorgon "The plant monster", while sapphire is offered to Keizer. 
Xyleth: Monster of the North Wind, carries on some of the elements from 'Megara: Guardian of the Earth'. Chapters 2-4 are inspired by the events from the story with slight alterations. The characters are also carried onto this novel, e.g. Jim Maxwell, Martha Diaz, Nick Louis, Dr. Maxwell, Dr. Hamilton, Dr. Garrett, Dr. Yang, Dr. Jennifer Maxwell, Dr. Lindsey Collins, Dr. Whitney, Gina Whitney, Myron Whitney, Mirak, and Lara. Mia was completely omitted since she bears a striking resemblance to the Shobijin, Mothra's fairies. 
While only appearing as an egg and a silhouette in a vision, Megara, alluded to as 'The Libelula Tribe's God, or the 'Egg', is hinted throughout the novel and is responsible for sealing Xyleth in the Arctic ice in the past. 
Xyleth, Zairon, and Gorgon: Battle of the Titans revolves around a trio of teenagers who were recruited by a Government Agency known as the 'Institute'. They band together as they face off against Xyleth, a massive ice phoenix who reawakened after her shrine was disturbed in the North Pole. Meanwhile, Dr. Whitney plans to use the beast to eradicate humanity. She, her niece, and her father form a group of terrorists and plans to destroy humanity by controlling Xyleth to do their bidding. A group of indigenous people, known as the Libelula tribe, stated that their deity defeated Xyleth millennia ago, and without him, nothing else can stop her. To vanquish the beast, the members of the 'Institute' must locate the remaining sacred beasts, Zairon and Gorgon, and the enchanted ruby which is the only thing they have that can defeat Xyleth.
To my dear readers,
        I hope this raises awareness about the effects of global warming, and let's work together to make this world a better place for us all.
                                                                                                                                            Sincerely Yours,
                                                                                                                                                  -The Author ;)

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