Chapter 2: Surprise Visit

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Dr. Maxwell returned to California to pay his nephew, Jim, a visit. It's been a while since he last saw him and of course, I don't want to spoil their little get-together so I allowed him, but he'll stay in his hometown for only a week.
It was a hot summer morning. On the third Sunday of summer vacation, while Jim Maxwell enters his room, unnoticed. That's him, Jim Maxwell, he's fourteen and he's always been fascinated by monsters. I've loved monster movies ever since I was little and you could say that Jim and I have a lot in common, "I've been hoping to see a real kaiju one day.", Jim said. It did happen, for better and for worse. 
That Sunday morning, he was trying to look for a film to watch but he couldn't decide so he invited his two best friends, Nick Louis and Martha Diaz. They've known each other since kindergarten and I am extremely grateful that he's got friends like them. They look out for each other and they get each other out of trouble, usually causing bigger problems in the process. Dr. Maxwell is on the way to pick up the trio. I ordered him to do so since we need recruits for should I say this? "Institute".
That morning his friends arrived and asked him immediately, "So what's the matter, Jim?", asked Martha who arrived in the nick of time. Spanish-American descent, Martha is always a compassionate student who has feelings for Jim. She always admired him but didn't have the courage to admit it. Afterward, Nick Louis arrived next, chubby, and a bit piggish, he always dislikes sports and admires Martha, though every time he tries to admit his feelings, he always says the opposite of what he really means, making others think that he's playing tricks on someone. Martha however, is constantly entertained by Nick's efforts to please her, especially when the latter gets hurt in the process. Afterward, they agreed to discuss their issues indoors due to the blistering summer heat. Jim said, "I'm trying to look for a film to watch with you guys..." "Whoa hold up.", Martha barges in, "Are you saying that you brought us all the way here just to pick some dumb movie?! Ugh, my first three weeks of summer vacation are wasted!!!" Jim groaned, "I really can't pick guys, I'm truly sorry.", "It's alright", Martha answered. However, Nick is against this, "Awwwww, did Jim just exhaust Lady Martha because of some sick movie?" Nick pouts and sits beside Martha. In response, Martha pushes Nick's face away, Nick seemed disappointed. Jim looked extremely calm, "So what do we do now?", he remarked, "Since you guys aren't in for movie night, what'll we do now?", he continued. "I don't know, wait or something?", Martha answered. Nick groaned, "Ugh, I HATE waiting!!!", Nick sank on his chair, dismayed. Then Jim's father entered the living room and greeted his visitors, "Jim.", he said, "Your uncle will be arriving soon." Jim was shocked, "REALLY?!" Uncle Matt is coming today?!", Jim is extremely excited, it's been a while since he's been in touch with his uncle. Whenever they ask him about what his job is all about, either Dr. Maxwell will not reply, or he'll pull off some mean trick on that certain person. "Wow, congratulations Jim!", Martha said, "But can you tell us more about your uncle?", she continued. Jim agrees and tells them all about his 'Uncle Matt'. "Well, we always refer to him as Dr. Maxwell, he hates it whenever we give him silly nicknames." "What, your uncle HATES silly nicknames? LAME!!!" Nick yelled. Martha scolded him, he immediately obeyed her orders, then Jim continued. "He gives hints on what his job is but as of now, we can barely figure out what it is." Then Jim's dad interrupted their conversation, "Whatever you do, DO NOT make him feel intimidated, he always fights back whenever he feels uncomfortable.", he warned. Then before Jim had the chance to continue, a vehicle parked right in front of their house, it was his uncle, Dr. Maxwell! Jim rushed out of the front door and cheerfully greeted him. "Uncle Ma...uh I mean...Dr. Maxwell !!!" Dr. Maxwell patted Jim on the back and hugged him instantly, "You've grown so much since I last saw you, Jim!" Jim was flustered and escorted his uncle into their house. "Dr. Maxwell, meet my friends..." "Nick and Martha!!!", Dr. Maxwell delightfully said. "I'd recognize you two anywhere.", he continued. Then he sat down on the couch and unpacked his briefcase. The trio was curious about what the contents could be so they to take a peek and looked inside. But as Dr. Maxwell found out about what they've been doing, he immediately shuts his briefcase and hits their faces. "Hey what did you do that for?!" Nick was irritated, upon seeing the look on Dr. Maxwell's face he quietly backs down. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to, there's just a lot going on and...", Jim intervened, "It's alright, we understand." Dr. Maxwell smiled, "Are you sure you're the same Jim?", he asked then chuckled, "Nah, who am I kidding?" Afterward, Jim gave Dr. Maxwell a house tour, they eventually stopped by the kitchen and sat by the dining table. "So what's your job all about?", he asked. "I'd rather not talk about it." Dr. Maxwell answered. Jim was slightly disappointed, but then he remembered that he won't answer any questions related to his work. Then the trio tried to make Dr. Maxwell answer their questions but to no avail. "Ugh, you're so stubborn!", Martha groaned. Then Dr. Maxwell finally agreed, "Fine, but you must never tell your friends and family about it, agreed?" They nodded in agreement, then they returned to the living room. Upon sitting down, Dr. Maxwell opened his briefcase and took out a thick sheaf of papers. The trio stared in amazement as they finally got a chance to take a peek at the contents of Dr. Maxwell's briefcase. It was filled with classified government content and paraphernalia. They were astonished and examined the files. Filled with stacks of research papers, most of them involved mythical creatures and legends all over the world. Archaeological sites are involved, most of them are filled with dense foliage. Numerous cave paintings and engravings are etched within the temple walls. Most of them portray ancient battles with large creatures. An ice phoenix at war with a giant dragonfly, a sea dragon attacking a massive mountain-like beast. Jim was excited, "Could it be?", he said to himself, "Could the monsters be real?!" Then Dr. Maxwell explained, I work for a top-secret government organization.", he said. "The organization focuses on the study of giant beasts that pose as a possible threat to humanity.", he continued. Then Jim asked, "What is the name of this organization? How come I've never heard of it?!" Dr. Maxwell chuckled, "I'll tell you when we get there.", Nick and Martha gasped, "Are you saying that we'll be involved?", Martha asked. Dr. Maxwell nodded and answered, "The 'Institute' requires recruits and we were thinking that younger people could be of great use for the future of our organization, and I was thinking of getting the three of you involved." Then the trio beamed with joy. At last, Jim's dreams of interacting with kaiju will soon be a reality.

Later that afternoon, Nick and Martha left to pack their things for their journey, while Jim was left at home with Dr. Maxwell. After preparing all the essentials for their trip, he went downstairs to eat with his uncle. The two of them had a lengthy conversation. "Whatever you do, DO NOT open the silver briefcase. It's for emergency purposes only, got that?" Dr. Maxwell warned while Jim nodded in agreement. But he wondered, whatever could be so important that it had to be sealed tightly in a briefcase. After dinner, he washed the dishes while Dr. Maxwell went outside to buy something, "It won't take too long, I'll be back soon." Soon afterward he left. Jim rushed upstairs towards Dr. Maxwell's bedroom and takes a look at the classified files. Then something in the corner caught his was the silver briefcase!!!

Jim remembered Dr. Maxwell's warning but deep down, he really wants to find out what's inside. So he quickly looks for a pin and tried to open the case. After a while of trial and error, he eventually manages to get it open, but unbeknownst to him, Dr. Maxwell just arrived. Jim was shocked about its was a massive ruby!!! But suddenly the door to Dr. Maxwell's room opened and with a loud 'thwack' Jim dropped on the floor, unconscious.

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