69 - Pierre Gasly

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I'm so sorry for making you guys wait so long but regular updates will be back soon! Requests will be back soon too but in the meantime, if you have a driver that you want me to write leave a suggestion in the comments! 

For context in this one, true info, by the way, the Super Bowl is really happening in LA next year.

Y/n's POV

February 2021

February in Los Angeles was the best, the sun and weather were warm and the city wasn't actually swarmed with a bunch of tourists like in the summertime.

 My boyfriend Pierre and I were attending the Super Bowl, his team the NY Giants was one of them playing in it and since the game is during the off-season he didn't hesitate to book us a plane ticket to go.

I'm a big fan of the sport but my team didn't make it this year.

So here we are, in LA in a gorgeous rented house with a pool and a big kitchen.

Enjoying some time together just the two of us while we can, I'm appreciating all the moments I can get with Pierre since he's always traveling so much.

Unlike some girlfriends of most Formula 1 drivers, I'm not a model neither an actress nor a celebrity so I don't get to be with Pierre at all his races, I work in luxury real estate in the UK which is how I met my man.

He was looking for a condo in London and I was the agent attending him. Ever since we've been inseparable and we try to make it work with distance and his demanding career.

As much as I can work from a distance with my laptop and phone, it's complicated when I'm not at the office and thankfully Pierre understands that.

I love watching him race and how passionate he is about Formula 1, the whole process that leads to a race and I admire how hard he trains beforehand.

Anyway, the weather was stunning today and I'm just chilling by the pool as Pierre went for a run.

Even though he's on a break and has to give his body some rest, he's working out all the time, either he's running, lifting weights, or swimming.

"Y/n? Where are you ?"

Speaking of Mr. Gasly, here he is.

"By the pool love !"

My very sweaty man came by the pool, his t-shirt drenched in sweat, face all red with a water bottle in his hand.

"Hey gorgeous"

I smiled as he leaned down for a long kiss.

"Hello handsome, how was the run ?"

I asked as he took his t-shirt off clearly getting ready to jump in the pool. I was laying in one of the lounging chairs catching some much-needed sun since we all know it's doesn't shine in the UK.

"Quite good, I saw Daniel actually !"

"Daniel is here in LA too ?"

He nodded and jumped in splashing me along the way. His head resurfaced above the water and he gave me a cheeky grin.

"Cool! Is he coming to the Super Bowl too ?"

"Yes with some of his friends"

Pierre continued to swim for a little bit and I read some emails, preparing some listings as well for when I get back to work. We stayed like this for the rest of the morning and decided to go out for lunch as well as do shopping on Sunset Boulevard.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2021 ⏰

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