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My father and I stood at King and Prince Rhinestone’s throne. My father bowed and raised his eyes to greet the King. “May I present, Miss Olivia, my daughter and future bride to your son, King Rhinestone.”

I stayed standing. No fucking way was I bowing. Not when my father was trading me to a Devil.

“Bow. To. Him.” My father whispered.

“No, I will not.”

“Olivia,” my father hissed under his breath. “Bow to him.”

I wouldn’t bow to anyone. Especially not this jerk.

“No, I won’t.” I couldn’t ever bow to Henrik. Not the one that was responsible for breaking me and Kieran up. He would have to kill me before I bent at the knee.

Henrik whispered to his father and stood up from the throne. He zeroed in on me, his gaze on my breasts. I crossed my arms over my chest to prevent him from seeing them. However, my father gripped me by the elbow and shoved me forward. I stumbled forward and gasped when I was shoved to my knees. My palms hit the concrete floor, causing me to wince in pain. I still didn’t scream. I wouldn’t let Prince Henrik know how much pain I was in. that’s what he wanted.

“Much better, little lamb.” Henrik mused. “Next time I see you, you will be on your knees but not to bow.”

“I will never bow to you and I’ll never marry you. My heart belongs to someone else.” I whispered.

Henrik’s eyes flared, anger and jealousy swirled in his green eyes. Before I knew it, he yanked me up by the arm and forcefully kissed me. Not wanting to return it, I bit his lip.

He gripped my chin harshly and hissed. “Loverboy is gone. He’s fucking dead. You will be my wife and you will bear me a child. As many as it takes to give me a son.”

“I won’t do it.” I whispered as a tear rolled down my cheek.

“You will. If I have to, I’ll use force. I really don’t think you want that. So, either you will cooperate, or…”

“Fine, I’ll cooperate. I’ll give you a child.” I lied.

I wouldn’t give him anything. Especially not a child. And I definitely wouldn’t carry his last name. I needed to figure a way to get away. Go home and pack my things. Flee the city and hide in the forest. I’d be safer with the beast in the woods anyway.

“Good, you’re father will take you home and you will start packing. The wedding will be in the morning.”

So much for getting away.
But still… I’ll try my best.
Anything to get away from this monster.

My father took me home, not saying a single word. He wasn’t always cold and twisted. My father used to be kind. But that was before my mother died. That’s when I found solace in my best friend. Kieran used to comfort me in my time of need. He was my best friend and now he’s just gone. It’s been years since I’ve seen him. Ever since that night. The night my father, the King, and Henrik found us in the barn.

To make matters worse, my father locked me in my bedroom.

How could my father trade me to a man?
And of all men, Henrik Rhinestone.
Cocky and arrogant.
The man next in line to be King.

I paced my room and cursed under my breath. "Dammit."

I quickly ran to my closet and packed my basket with everything I would need for my journey. I pulled out my red hood and fastened it around my neck. I tossed my basket out the window, making sure it landed perfectly in the bushes. Then, glanced back one last time and let out a shaky breath as my door began to open. I jumped out of the window and picked up my basket quickly before hearing Henrik's angry tone.

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