Well that was a surprise

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Finally, just me and Draco... this is nice

"I'm sorry-"

"For gods sake potter, you're still saying sorry?"

"I know I know but- I can't help it..."

"Look at me" he grabbed my chin and pulled my face towards him "I love you. And I forgive you for whatever fucked up thing you did. Do you forgive me?"

"For what?"

"Don't play dumb with me, Harry. Do you forgive me?"

"Um- yes"

*chuckles* "and I'm meant to be the sub"

"Shuddup!!" This is the happiest I've been in a while... gods I love him

He's the best

Great. Your back

For fuck sa- no. Listen. Im just tryin to help you. I don't know much myself but what I do know I tell you. So could you stop being such an ass all the time?

Ye, I guess I haven't been much help, huh



"Oh! We need to go back to the house, dinner will be ready soon"

I looked at Draco with a pleading look. I don't wanna go back to everyone else

"I don't wanna...."

"We'd have to go back eventually, Harry!! Come on" he stood up and offered a hand, I took it reluctantly and stood up.

<time skip to the house>

Me and Draco walked inside and the group were already sat around the house, waiting for dinner. Molly was bombarding Neville and blaise with questions and Ron was blushing with embarrassment. Hermione and Pansy were talking in a corner, braiding each other's hair and then narcissa called that dinner was ready. Molly noticed us at the door

"Oh Harry dear! Just in time!" She took my hand and dragged me to the dinner table, sitting me and Draco together. I saw Draco blush and I chuckled slightly, being handed my food and dug in

"So, where did you two lads wander off to?" My uncle questioned me, wiggling his eyebrows at me.

"We were at the forest, Liam was being annoying and wanted to go for a run so I gave in"

"Mhm" Sirius raised an eyebrow and lupin elbowed him.

Molly was still asking blaise and Neville thousands of questions and Ron looked like a tomato.

This is my family. This is my home.

I smiled over the lot, laughing still at how oblivious Pansy and Hermione still are at their feelings for each other and how Ron couldn't eat because he still couldn't process what had happened earlier.


We all finished eating and we went up to Ron's room. Until Hermione pulled me to the side

"So... what happened earlier"

"What'd you mean"

"Draco's your mate, isn't he?"

How did she?- what?

"What are you talking about?"

Tell her!!

Shuddup you!

"Harry, you know you're a horrible lier. Draco's your mate, why did you say you liked Cedric?"

"I- I didn't wanna tell you guys about it yet and... I couldn't control myself if I kissed him..."

"What do you mean?"

I showed my fangs and my eyes turned red, Hermione gasped and stared at my face until I converted back.

"That's why..."

"Y-you're a red?!"

I shook my head "deep red"

"Holy merlin..." I was expecting her to become scared and run "that's incredible!"



"What'd you mean... incredible?..."

"It's amazing!! Do you know how rare that is? Wait a minute... I thought you were a wolf?" She giggled slightly, not realising

"Uh... I am... and a vampire..."

"Wait but you also said- wait. You're a red vampire." I nodded my head "and a black wolf?!" Her eyes widened in disbelief as I nodded my head again

"The only known one in existence..." I chuckled nervously, not being able to look her in the eye

"THIS IS INCREDIBLE?!" She soon covered her mouth not wanting the others to notice her shout. She began to whisper "so you mean you're basically un-fucking-stoppable and practically against all facts to do with inheritance?"

I smiled awkwardly as I shrugged my shoulders

"Wow." She still stared at me in disbelief "wait you need to drink Dracos blood!! And soon!"

"I can't..."

"You need to drink his blood every day!"

"I did..."


"I drank some... today...."

"Wait when? The only time you were alone was at the forest and Draco didn't have any blood on him or anything."

"I saw him earlier... before they came up to all of us. I saw him in an alley way and that's when we figured out we were and mates and... well.... you can guess the rest" a stared into her eyes

"Ok... well what about tomorrow? You won't be able to be alone?"

"Well... um... train." I only needed to say that and she understood.

"Ok. I'll be in on this to make sure no one asks questions. Now let's go up and join them before they start asking questions" she giggled slightly and walked past me to Ron's room

<in Ron's room>

~authors note~
Hiya guys! I'm so so so sorry my updates are sparce and horrible and shit and I'm really sorry! Basically my dysphoria is being an ass lately and I've got a couple problems I can't talk about online... anyway! I'll try update as much as possible and I'm super sorry...

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