Hello mother!

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Me and Harry parted. I miss him already

Don't worry Draco! We go on the train tomorrow! We'll get to see him again before we know it!

I suppose... but I still wanna see hi-

"Hello darling. And where have you been?"

"Oh- mother. I've just been wandering! Seeing who will come back this year.." my smile vanished as quickly as it came. Thinking about all the people that died. And- Merlin- Dumbledoor... it's my fault he died

No it isn't, Draco! Don't think like that. You had no choice....

And what about snape? What will I do without him...

You have Harry now! He can comfort you

Yeah... I think mother noticed my frown for she asked me.

"Are you alright dear?"

"Uh- yes! I'm just a bit nervous about going back and- ya know. Seeing everyone"

"Of course. It's ok dear" she gently cupped my cheek with her right hand and I melted into the feeling. I remember how she used to do this when I was younger when father would... I'm just glad I have her in my life. But I'm also very grateful that Hermione forgave me for being so immature in our youth. And now me her and pansy go clothes shopping (Merlin help me) but I think they may want to be more than friends.... and that's when I spotted a couple red heads. I'm glad we've finally all made up... I still feel bad for molly. Losing your husband and having to take care of so many kids on your own must be difficult. But I think I might've overheard mother talking about giving molly some money as a present for how father treated them over the years. I believe molly was refusing. She's too humble.

"Mother? May we go over and talk with the Weasely's?"

"I suppose"

We started walking over to them and I noticed- Luna and Hermione were with them? Oh no. If they're there then-

"Hello molly! It's good to see you"

"Oh! It's good to see you two Narcissa! I haven't seen you in about a week, where have you been?"

"Haven't been able to leave the house dear. But thanks to a certain someone I was no longer house bound! I haven't had the chance to thank him yet..."

"Well lucky for you he's right here! Harry dear!"

"Yes molly-"

Oh no: Harry

"Hello Harry. I came to say thank you for what you've done for us. Your very kind and generous for giving us a second chance. All of you."

"Don't mention it! Oh hey malfoy...."

"I suppose you can call me draco now seen as we're no longer rivals..."

I tried my best to not crack a smile and keep a sarcastic smirk. Mother looked over at me with a questioning look. I hope she doesn't suspect anything...

"Alright then! Draco, let's start over" he held out his hand though I could tell he was fighting to the urge to dig his teeth into my neck...

"Agreed. Harry"

He was clenching his jaw as I saw Sirius behind him. He looked so smug? That's odd. Though it's nice to see Harry finally has a somewhat father. Mine wasn't... the best and the man I saw as the best father figure is gone.

"Nice to meet you Draco, I've heard plenty of you" Black looked me up and down and then glanced at Harry. What is he inferring?

"What do you mean?"

"Ha- he doesn't need to know about that- Sirius"

"No, I want to hear it" I could tell Harry was embarrassed by the pink flush that took over his face. I bet liams going crazy.



"Let's just say, Harry never shuts up about you..."

"That's funny! Draco's all the same. 'Potter this' and 'potter that!' It's quite amusing! Lucius was always furious about how much he went on about him"

"Goodness. Harry liked to always bring him up every time we say something about quititch or really anything to do with hogwarts to be honest"

"They're obsessed with each other! Harry would never shut up about him" weas- Ron... butted in. It's a bit embarrassing honestly. Mother confessing that I wouldn't shut up about Harry... but it's sweet to know he was the same. My face started to feel like it was fire. No! I'm blushing!

"Well, narcissa, would you and Draco like to join us for dinner?"

"I would be absolutely delighted, molly"

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