Hectic hogwarts morning

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I woke up from the bright shine of the sun coming through the unshut curtains. As I opened my eyes I saw what at first I recognised as an angel... his platinum blonde locks fell perfectly over his clear skin. The sunrise just emphasised his features, he truly looked angelic.

I placed my hand on his soft cheek and swept the hair from his eyes. He stirred and his fluffy eyelashes blinked open

"Good morning sunshine..."

"Good morning handsome" he giggled and leaned against my hand

"How did you sleep?"

"Well... I pretty much was completely knocked out from your bite"

My hand traveled down to his neck where I'd bitten him, he shivered and looked away "hey don't look away" I turned his jaw to look at me

"We should get ready..." he smiled, such pearly teeth

"Yeah... before molly comes barging in and tellin us to get out of bed" I laughed

He blushed "yeah..." he turned over and slipped out of the covers "I can't believe this is our last year..."

I walked over to him "yes but... we'll make it worth while"

"You already have, potter. You and the golden trio have lived about a thousand of these... I just wish I treated you better the first time we met..."

"Hey don't blame yourself" I wrapped my arms around him "I treated you just as shitily... but this is our last year. And we're doing it together" I smiled down at him and he smiled back. I heard a knock at the door

"EVERYONE UP!!!! Breakfast is almost ready!!" She screamed the first half and softly said the second, such an odd women that one...

He laughed "ok, let's get changed"

<small skip to the kitchen>

Draco walked down the stairs with me next to him. I'm sure he's not used to the hectic Hogwarts mornings at the Weasley's... molly was running around, cooking and making sure everyone had their things. Narcissa pulled Draco aside to 'do' his hair (I'm guessing she does it for him every morning?) Ron had lost something or another, as per usual, and was bumping into everyone trying to find it. Neville and blaise were trying to help ron with finding whatever it was he had lost. Fred and George were given ginny duty and were watching her till she woke up, which she still hadn't... lupin was already up and trying to help molly but Sirius was still fast asleep, still in dog form and sleeping infront of the fire. Molly saw me and Draco and hurried us to the table, I looked over and noticed Dracos hair was a pale blue and pink colour... like cotton candy...

"get something down y' and hurry, we're gonna be late!!"

She handed us our plates and continued to run around and check everyone.

"Your hair... looks nice" I ran my fingers through the pale locks

"Thank you- mother finally agreed to it after so much nagging..." he giggled

I smiled "I think it looked wonderful." We began eating.

The girls were both ready, dressed, ate and sat in front of the fire on armchairs, reading. I mean, of course they were. me and draco ate our food and went over to fred and George, looking down at the skanky bitch that laid there.

she doesn't deserve such a loving family.

I know, liam. but, maybe we should just try talking to her when she wakes up instead of just strating fights. try and get her to understand. maybe she was just upset yenno? I mean, shes had a crush on me since we were 12. it must've just been a shock.

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