stop pls

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in the title, in the description, in a chapter, in an announcement:

I asked you guys not to read this and I was keeping it up for sentimental purposes, but since you guys are still reading it, I'm afraid I will have to private the book.

HOWEVER, the story does continue in a different book on my profile called "More Than the Past" so if you still want that fluffy yuri about Yuri and Natsuki, then definitely go check that out.

It was a pleasure writing this book but it's not good and reading it will ruin the plot to the new book. Please stop reading this book. Like it physically hurts me to see new views and votes on this book. Please stop reading it.

Edit 2/24/21 (M/DD/YY): Would like to add that I'm not trying to put any readers in the position of "bullies." I was very surprised to see that this was still getting reads and votes since the cover of the book was changed to the crying girl with crayons and the name was changed to "[FAILED] a really trash book," while the description plugged the second attempt at this book.

It makes me happy to see my work is still being seen, but I'm taking it down because it brings back some memories I don't want to visit, not to mention will also mess up the plot of the second book if you so choose to read it. No pressure though.

I apologize if this came off as aggressive; it wasn't meant to be. I understand that sometimes it can be hard to properly convey feelings when texting. This chapter was written quickly and without much thought, and I understand how haste can come off as attitude.

It's not anyone's fault that they continued to click. It was my fault because I kept it up, so I'm simply taking it down. This really wasn't that big of a deal to me, and taking it down shouldn't provoke any fights. It's a bit dramatic to say that I am victimizing myself and calling readers "bullies," but I figured I should address it anyway just in case.

I appreciate all of my readers and I appreciate all of my friends who come to support my writing.

I, however, do believe that I have the right to take down the book and talk about it however I want. It's my creation, and many artists talk trash on their old works. It's the circle of life.

Thank you for taking the time to read this, and I'm sorry if you genuinely enjoyed where this book was going. The chapters are still in draft mode, so it's a possibility some of those themes will show up in later works or possibly even the new More Than the Past.

I appreciate you for sticking around, and I appreciate the comment which shed light on how I might have sounded.

I hope you have a lovely day


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2021 ⏰

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