quick rant

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Okay, so my ex girlfriend (let's call her Mary even though it's not her real name) cheated on me with some chick. Let's call her Sue.

So, naturally, Mary and I broke up, right? But Sue kept messaging me telling me not to blame Mary.

Bro Mary cheated on me, I'm kinda gonna blame her. It's a two party thing.

Anyway, some time later, as I'm still healing from that, Sue messages me all friendly and shit. Yeah right guys.

So naturally I don't like Sue. So I tell Sue to fuck off. Yeah, I could've said  it nicely, but she also could've stayed away from my girlfriend, soooo...

Anyway, she starts sprouting things she thinks she knew about my past relationship with Mary (and literally nothing was true)

I got pretty upset at that so I go message Mary and asked her to stop her side hoe from talking to me. I also confronted her about lying about our relationship to Sue. She said it was a little white lie but it turned into more than that. I told her to fix it and she kinda told me to fuck off, so.

Then, Sue's bff, (idk what they are to each other) let's call her Martha, messages me telling to "stop messing with her Suebaby or I'll have trouble coming my way."

I'm like yeah okay let's chat about this maturely. It's basically more like she accuses me while I just kinda half ass some answers because I was kinda busy.

One of my friends who was reading over my shoulder (let's call him Wilfred) downloads Wattpad and talks to Martha and stuff like really hostile like which I don't really agree with but okay.

While all this is happening, I'm talking to Sue's ALREADY GIRLFRIEND (whom Sue cheated on several times in the past) and I'm just kinda telling her that's it's pretty unhealthy for partners to cheat and stuff. Let's call this one Nancy.

Anyway, that gets to Sue and Martha, and they're over there telling me that I'm trying to get Nancy to break up with Sue.

Not necessarily. I'm really just letting her know that it's kinda fucked up, but I had no intention to make her break up with Sue. I was just telling her she didn't deserve what was happening. I was more concerned that she should stop letting Sue do that otherwise Sue is gonna think she can do whatever and still have Nancy. More like tell Sue to stop rather than break up with her.

Anyway, fast forward a few days and Nancy messages me basically telling to fuck off and get my ass out of her and her..um...wife? Okay.

Anyway, so I'm pretty pissed at all this so I just needed to rant. Thanks dude.

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