Chapter 15

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"Why doesn't Kieandra take Andonisia to my room as she is tired and we can talk tomorrow" Dante spoke as I just stared at him.

The girl who spoke before had gotten up and told me to follow her. We walked up the stairs and to a doubled door room to which she used a key to open with.

I entered the room with her....


We sat on the bed as I awkwardly smiled. She closed the door behind her as I looked at the room.

It was much bigger than the one in Seattle, it was quite modern with modern dark wood interior.

The walls had a cream colour which was quite consistent throughout the room.

"Sit down, It's Dante's room" Kieandra spoke as I took a seat on the bed. 

"How was your flight?" She asked

"It was alright, your brother is a lot to travel with" I spoke generally tired but still kept a smile on my face.

"My brother is a lot to handle." She laughed off.

"Can I call you Nis? Because your name sounds like a mouthful "She asked. It made me let out a laugh. I have never been called a nickname.

"Sure, I like it" I spoke with a smile on my face

"How does Dante treat you?" She now turned serious.

"He's alright, like I said it's hard with him" I nodded turning serious

"I love him and that's all that matters" I wanted to gag at the comment I had just made.

"Awww. You guys are too cute" She now hugged me.

"If he does anything. Let me know" She laughed as I just smiled before nodding at her 

Kieandra was about to say something else but the door opening made us both turn around to the sound.

Dante walked in still in his suit but without the suit jacket as he gestured Kieandra to get out of the room.

"I would like to spend time with my wife alone" Dante spoke as he closed the door behind him before checking the room.

"tua moglie non se ne andrà comunque. Lei è dove sei non ti preoccupare" Kieandra spoke as I watched her speak in Italian not even catching one word that left her mouth. (your wife is not going to go anyway. She is where you are dont worry)

"Posso vedere mia moglie ogni volta che lo voglio, non ho bisogno della tua approvazione." Dante spoke back as I sat awkwardly waiting for them to finish. (I can see my wife whenever I wish to, I dont need your approval. )

"Vaffanculo"she spoke as she smacked the door behind her. (fuck off)

Dante now had turned to me as he stared at me. "What were you two speaking about?" Dante questioned as my eyebrows furrowed.

"And that concerns you because.." I questioned back in a challenging tone.

He now turned around to as he leant against the desk.

"Youre my wife and she is my sister and you two are not good together" He now spoke as he stared at me.

"And who told you that we aren't good together?" I asked

"I can see. I am not blind." 

"What do you see?" I questioned as I leant against the headboard now.

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