Chapter 25

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"Don't make me regret being nice to you" His eyes never left mine. He scared me now. I nodded at him before leaving the room in a rush. I ran up the stairs and banged the door shut...


I sat on the bed with my head against the head board and my eyes shut as I processed all that had happened. 

Someone was after me and I couldn't do anything about it because I was held hostage by the one and only Dante Rosolo.

I don't understand that man. He had the tendency to be bipolar. One day he would give me hope that we have something going on but the next he treats like the gum under his shoe.

A sigh left my mouth as I walked to the balcony. My mind went straight up to the days I used travel, be free, do whatever I wanted, work and anything possible.

I was a surgeon. I had spent years and years trying to get the job that my mother couldn't have. My Father always wanted my mother to be a house wife even though she owned many businesses. Her father had given her his businesses but my mother wanted to be a surgeon. It was her dream.

Since she couldn't be one, I vowed to be one. And I did. I became a surgeon and enjoyed every bit of it. It excited me. Saving peoples lives. Saving the vulnerable. It made me happy because that was the only thing that I was good at. 

My father took over my mother's businesses. It had pissed me off but I couldn't say anything because I would get shouted at.

I always thought of myself to be independent but I knew deep down that I had no control over anything or anyone.

The door banged open, hitting against the wall next to it. A gasp left my mouth at the sudden noise. I turned around to see Dante close the door harshly with another loud bang.

He turned to me. He just stood there. Broad shoulders. Sleeves rolled up. Buttons opened. Hair messy. He looked like a lot had happened. 

I stood there awkwardly. I didn't know what to do. Scream at him? Hug him? Ask him for help? I didn't know.

"What was the need of you to speak?" He started. His voice was calm. Even I knew, if he talks calmly he is very far from it.

"Huh?" I answered.

"Don't." He put his finger to my face. "Don't you dare act clueless. You make me want to put you in the basement and keep you there till you learnt your lesson." His voice showing a hint of anger.

"My lesson? You are going to teach me what lesson. Please do explain" I walked up to him. In front of him.  

A chuckle left his mouth, "I should have put you in the basement a long time ago. You disrespect me. You don't listen. You do what you want to do."

"I disrespect you? I don't listen to you? I do what I want to do?" I put emphasis on 'i' My anger was rising and I was very close to lose my mind.

"I haven't even done what I've wanted to do. Not even one bit." I paused. "I did EVERY SINGLE THING that YOU have told me to do. I married you. I came here and was nice to your family. I treated them like normal humans. I stayed here when I should have left at any given opportunity." My voice rose a little. 

"Why did you marry me then?" He looked down at me. No emotion. I don't even think he cared about the words that came out of my mouth.

"Why I married you." I let out a small chuckle and looked around me trying to calm myself down. "WHY DID I MARRY YOU" I screamed the loudest I could. I could tell it startled him a little. He wasn't expecting it. 

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