Chapter 16

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Memories came rushing down. Memories which I cherished. Memories which I will never let go.

I may be alive but I am dead inside.

I squeezed my eyes as I begged the pain to go away. Tears ran down my face as I fell into a deep slumber.


"If you wont eat how will you be strong and healthy" Dad spoke as he tried to feed me

"No daddy, I don't want to be strong anymore" I crossed my arms over my chest with a frown

"If you're not strong daddy will die" Dad spoke as I looked up at him.

"My daddy is strong, he won't leave me" I protested

"I will leave you if you don't eat. Make daddy happy" He spoke as he put the spoon nearer to my mouth.

I hesitantly took a bite as I stared at my dad with teary eyes


"Because of your actions today, I no longer have a daughter" Dad left the room as I dropped to the floor as tears ran down my face.

"DAAAAADDDDD" I screamed as I could not hear his footsteps anymore.


"Mommy and Daddy Love You"


"You are dead to me"


I jolted up as I tried to catch my breath. I looked around the room. It was only a nightmare. It's not real. But it is. Dad left me. Mom left me. I am once again alone.

I felt a hand on my shoulder as my head turned towards him.

"You killed my father" I moved back from the bed as I kept eye contact with him.

I backed away

"You burnt him into nothing" I screamed.

He sat there with a frown as he slowly got off of the bed.

"Angel" He whispered as he slowly approached me

"No, no move" I raised my voice

I was having a panic attack. This happened to me regularly. It was trauma.

"MOVE AWAY FROM ME" I now screamed to which now i was wrapped around his arms as he covered my mouth trying to quite me down.

"Shhh" He whispered as he walked me to the couch.

I was trying to catch my breathing as I refused to look at him.

"I did not kill your father."  Dante spoke as I turned the other way.

"Your father wanted to be a solider for my mafia for years." He started speaking as he took a seat next to me on the couch which made me shuffle away from him.

"I didn't let him, He wanted power. He wanted to handle guns and be the King of Bloodshed." 

"He wanted to take my position" Dante continued. I still didn't look at him but continued to listen.

"Your father bought his own death to himself" He spoke quietly.

"I let him go to Russia. Your father found every opportunity for me to kill him but he put your name into the conversation" My head now turned to him as I stared at his head.

"My name?" I asked now confused of what this has got to do with me.

Dante turned his head to face me, he studied my face before getting up and sitting opposite me on the bed.

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