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My name is Gerald Prescott, I'm thirty-four years old, no kids and no significant other. I am what most people call it, an eligible bachelor. I'm far from ugly but not lost in my looks like some men and women that personally know. I'm an average built guy with an even more average way of life and living. Why am I single you ask, well, the women I've encountered only want to fuck or are out to make gains for themselves, so I pretty much gave up on love. Now don't get me wrong, I have my fair share of lady friends to screw around with, but none of them will ever be worth calling a girlfriend let alone a wife.

I do what most single guys do, work hard and play harder. Flirt with random chicks and go out a lot. I was a policeman in Detroit and let me tell you, the shit kept me on my toes and very busy, but I loved it none the less. The one thing I didn't love was the domestic violence calls where the husband or boyfriend beat the living shit out of their wives or girlfriends. I would automatically want to beat their asses or worse, put a bullet in the middle of their heads. I hated a woman beater, they were right up there with a child molester or pedophile. All of them could rot in hell for all I gave a fuck, I just wanted to help get them there a little bit faster.

For instance, I had gotten a call to a home on the Vandyke and Harper. An asshole had gotten drunk and decided to use his girlfriend as a punching bag, but with a hammer instead. He ended up killing her but the worse part about the situation was the seven-year-old hiding in the closet. I wanted to kill the bastard myself and claim self-defense, that the fucker came at me with the same hammer he had used to kill her with. The temptation was so strong that my partner had to pull me out of the home just to save me from losing my job. I guess I was grateful for that.

Another time the assailant wasn't so lucky and I was suspended with pay for almost two months. I was taking my normal route around the east side area when I saw a suspicious vehicle parked the opposite way down a one-way street. I called it in and put on my sirens. Before I could make it to the vehicle to see what was going on, the man darted out of it and ran. Of course, me being adrenaline junking, I gave foot pursuit and caught him within two minutes. He wasn't fast at all, probably cause he was an out of shape fat fuck. I brought him back to his vehicle and seen a twelve-year-old girl coward on the floor in the back. She had no clothes on and blood was between her thighs, it was clear to me the motherfucker was raping her. I lost my shit. With the butt of my service pistol, I beat the living shit out of the rapist bastard. The asshole did get twenty years in prison and like I said I had gotten almost two months suspension with pay, but it was fucking worth it.

There was an arrest I had made about three weeks ago that still doesn't sit right with me. A woman had called in a possible shooting but when my partner and I made it to the house no one was there. The lights were on and food was on the table set for three but no one was in the home. We checked everywhere and came up with nothing. I called my supervisor to bet advice as to what to do next, she informed us to sit on the house to see if the occupants would return. So we did. Almost an hour had gone by and no one returned to the house and then we heard screaming. A woman came running out of the house naked and frantic, yelling for someone to help her. My partner and I looked at one another with shock. We knew no one was in the home, we checked everywhere twice, maybe three times before departing.

The woman was covered in blood from head to toe as we tried to calm her down. My partner wrapped her naked body with his jacket and escorted her to the back of our squad car as I drew my weapon and proceeded inside the home. What I saw next would never leave my mind. There was so much blood, blood over splattered along with the curtains, all over the plates of food and smeared throughout the hall, leading towards a closet just before the kitchen. I aimed my gun at the closet and slowly opened it. Two children, one had to be around six years old and the other looked to be a newborn laid death inside the closet. Their bodies had multiple stab wounds but what almost made me upchuck was that their bodies had no heads attached. I backed away with fear and shock and just then a knife-wielding man appeared just as naked as the woman and charged towards me from the kitchen. Luckily I was able to gain my composure and fire two rounds into the crazed man's chest.

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