Chapter 5

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      I startled from the memory, wiping the tear-stains from my face. He's always been this way - entitled, obnoxious, arrogant. 

      I knew that he liked me, he flirted with me incessantly, but I never expected this. Richard is known as a ladies man, and never seemed like he would be willing to tie himself down for anyone. Tie himself down for me, I thought with a shudder. Yet, from what I heard, he's serious, obsessed even. 

      I groan in frustration, my tears all spent and dried up. I've never been the girl who has wanted to settle down and get married. I can't imagine myself courting, settling down with a man, and having children as my only thing to care for and about. It seems to be such a depressing life to live, with nothing to look forward to. That's not to say I haven't courted around, but it's never seemed right. While all my friends have all gotten either married or engaged, I'm the last remaining alone. 

      Even though I'm alone, I've never felt lonely. I've always had my sister and my father, and I just viewed marriage as that inevitable chopping block, that I assumed I would have more time to prepare for. I know marrying is inevitable if I want to survive. My father has money, and will likely pass down his inheritance to me and Elsie, but that would only last me so long. I've always had this dream to become a newspaper artist and journalist. Reporting the news, and allowing my artwork to add to the story. The only expectation for me in life is to marry well, and I want more than that. If I could find the right man, one willing to support me and my dreams, perhaps marriage could be an option, but...

      Not with Richard. Richard is not that man.

      I can't marry him. I wasn't lying when I said I never would, and I intend on putting up a fight. First things first, I intend to sleep, because I can already feel the emotional effects of today starting to sink in and drain me of energy.

      In the morning, I'll march out and be honest with my father, "take me or leave me attitude" with the sole intention of winning this one fight I have in life.

      Before morning could come though, I awake to the feeling of two rough hands lifting me from bed.

Twisted DreamsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora