Chapter 7

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      My father and Richard both stood to the right of the staircase in the living area, and blocking the front entrance.

      "Daddy!" I cried out my childhood name for him out of relief, not yet comprehending the situation.

      His only response are his eyebrows twitching downwards, and his gaze shifting away from my face to find the portrait of my mother on the wall.

      "Father...?" I repeated fearfully, "What's going on?"

      "Vee, your father and I just want to talk with you," Richard responded in my father's place.

      "Talk with... Talk with me about what? Why are these men here?" I stammered, my gaze switching back and forth between the jerk, and the man I don't even recognize anymore.

      "I'm giving you one last chance Vee, marry me. I am the best suitor for you, and we could be happy together," he proposed, holding his hand out as a mock invitation, considering I am incapable of actually moving towards him with two men pinning me down.

      "What the hell?" I demand, my father looking up in disapproval, "This is insane Richard! You've always gotten everything in life that you've ever wanted, can't you accept the fact that there are things in life that I might want? For example, I don't want to marry anyone, especially you!"

      "I'm very sorry to hear that... I didn't want it to come down to this, but this is what you need. Perhaps you'll learn to appreciate this decision I am making for you, and maybe even one day, you'll love me for it," he sighed disappointed, before nodding at the two men by my sides, relaying some secret message.

      "What are you talking about?" I cried out in alarm, as Pitch and Blondie began dragging me forward towards Richard, and behind him, the door.

      "Father, father! What is going on? How can you let this happen?" I demanded, but he never turned to glance at me. He just remained staring at the old portrait of my mother, with slow tears beginning to slide down his face.

      I felt my stomach sink at the sight of my father's tears, something I hadn't seen in years. My fight or flight instinct kicked in, and I began fighting and kicking in the frenzy I had started in. I don't know where I am going, but I can't allow this to happen. This has to be some twisted dream from falling asleep after the proposal news, this can't be real.

      It feels very real though as they drag my kicking body out the door and my foot catches on the threshold with a painful thump I felt travel up my leg. 

       I slow down my fighting, and attempt to kick Pitch's leg out from under him as I had planned earlier, but I'm too weak from my hysterics and my aching foot and only manage a feeble kick that does nothing.

      My hearing starts to go in and out, and my head starts to feel like cotton as I get overwhelmed with how realistic this dream is. The last thing I see before I lose consciousness is Richard standing on the threshold with his arms crossed in grim resolve of his decision, then I sink completely into the arms of my captors and descend into darkness.

*I got a comment asking how old the characters were, and I wanted to describe them here in order to know the characters better! I will probably go back and edit some of the introductory descriptions to include age estimation or accuracy of each character. For now though:

This book is set in the 1870's

Vivianna (Vee) is 20 years old and still not married in Victorian society which is a big deal!

Richard is 24 years old 

Her father is in his 50's

The ages are a little higher than most young-adult novels, but I'll explain why probably in the next chapter!

Anyways, that's about it for now, thank you for reading my book if you've made it this far! I hope you're enjoying it, and if you have any comments, suggestions, or thoughts please feel free to comment! This also goes for constructive criticism - if you see a typo, a grammar error, anything please let me know! I type these chapters after I get back to my dorm, and sometimes I get excited and rush through a chapter leaving a lot of mistakes. That's all for now! :)* 

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